John Cornyn

While six flags have flown over Texas, the one we know and love today has withstood the test of time. Whenever we catch a glimpse of the Lone Star flag billowing in the wind, let's take a moment to thank our lucky stars for...
Wednesday on the floor, I discussed the Democrats’ plan to end the legislative filibuster and potential ramifications should they be successful.
The truth is this is not about voting rights. This is about a partisan political power grab, and they are just trying to dress it up and sell it as something else.
Senator Schumer is apparently afraid of the foot beats behind him from the progressives, as is President Biden, and is trying to do things that frankly not even Democrats are willing to swallow.
This legislation will help us prevent tragedies on bases like the heartbreaking deaths of soldiers at Fort Hood by requiring updates to military installation security procedures and by focusing on stronger partnerships...
An homage to America’s Medal of Honor recipients in our nation’s capital will remind visitors and residents alike of what it means to put your country first.
Given Texas’ critical role in powering our country and facilitating trade, protecting our coast isn’t just a state or local priority – it’s a national imperative – and I will continue fighting for Texas’ coast to have a...
Legislation I authored was included in this year’s NDAA to benefit Texas military instillations and servicemembers as well as support ongoing national security efforts.
Tuesday on the floor, I discussed the budget gimmicks being used by Democrats to artificially lower the cost of their tax-and-spend legislation.
With a vibrant and long-standing space, defense, telecommunications industry, and manufacturing history, Texas is uniquely situated to foster the innovative environment in which the NSTC and NAPMP can thrive with broad...
I recently introduced the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act, which would authorize the President to enter into lend-lease agreements directly with Ukraine and provide military equipment necessary to protect...
I recently sent a letter to President Joe Biden encouraging his Administration to continue pushing for the safe release of Austin Tice, a Houston native, Marine veteran, and journalist who has been held captive in Syria for...
Our colleagues have made repeated attempts to overhaul our nation's elections and give the federal government unprecedented power to manage America's elections.
This legislation will ensure that debt accrued while being trafficked cannot continue to damage victims’ financial reputation long after the abuse has ended.
According to this timeless Southern tradition, eating a black-eyed pea on New Year’s Day brings good luck for the year ahead.
Even at times when we seem irreparably polarized, the truth of the matter is there are real opportunities to address some of the biggest challenges facing our country in a bipartisan way.
The Democratic Leader is on track to miss yet another deadline.
I applaud my colleagues in the House for moving my legislation, which would help prevent conflicts of interest and ensure federal judges are subject to the same level of transparency as other officials.
Monday on the floor, I discussed Senate Democrats’ failure to complete the basic functions of governing, including providing for the national defense, avoiding default on the national debt, and funding the government.
This is a reckless tax-and-spending spree that will benefit the wealthiest of Americans at the cost of working families. The last thing we need to do is to line the pockets of wealthy Americans while driving up the cost of...



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