
As some restaurants and businesses planned to reopen at 25% capacity on  Friday, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo urged those business owners not to rush, and asked people to continue staying home if possible to stop the...
Concerns that Texas hospitals would be unable to accommodate a surge of COVID-19 patients seem to have been assuaged in recent days.
The number of Texas families that applied for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program doubled in March compared with the same period last year, as thousands of Texans lost their jobs and incomes because of the COVID-19...
Bernie Sanders’s allies are aiming to cement his legacy as the politician who pushed the Democratic Party to the left on health care, climate and more, now that Joe Biden has been established as the presumptive nominee for...
As health care professionals beg for supplies to protect themselves from COVID-19 infection, a Texas company found a seller with at least 2 million masks and quietly offered them for sale at $6 each. Before the pandemic,...
Greg Abbott
People flying into Texas airports from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut will be subject to a mandatory self-quarantine for 14 days, or the duration of their stay in Texas, whichever is shorter. Abbott said he’s issuing a...
Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order that temporarily closes schools, bars and gyms – and limits restaurant service to takeout and delivery orders only amid COVID-19 concerns. 
City and county officials on Monday ordered all bars and clubs to close for 15 days, and for restaurants to eliminate sit-down service, in response to new federal government coronavirus guidelines.
donald trump state of emergency
President Trump formally declared a national emergency Friday afternoon to address the burgeoning coronavirus pandemic.
The moves announced Wednesday came as the White House and Congress worked on economic proposals to contain the fallout from the coronavirus.
Under the new order, scheduled to be announced Wednesday afternoon, people ages 10 and older must cover noses and mouths with a mask, bandanna, scarf or other face covering if leaving the house.
Texas Workforce Commission officials say the state will run out of money in May or June. Other economists predict that could happen in as soon as three weeks.
The OPEC oil cartel and nations including Russia have agreed to boost oil prices by cutting as much as 10 million barrels a day in production. Even more countries, including the United States, were discussing Friday their...
With nearly 7,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of Sunday, Abbott will relay what the state is doing to contain the spread of the infectious disease. Watch live starting at 2 p.m. Central.
Gov. Greg Abbott on Sunday ratcheted up travel restrictions into Texas during the new coronavirus pandemic, while announcing the state’s first pop-up hospital to deal with the crisis.
In a rare voting fraud case, Crystal Mason was sentenced to five years in prison for casting a provisional ballot in 2016 while on supervised release for a federal felony. She says she did it on the advice of a poll worker...
Crude oil prices have plunged 45% so far in March and are at the lowest level since 2002. The energy market has been slammed by a slump in demand because of the virus pandemic and a price war between some of the world’s...
In an unprecedented move, Gov. Greg Abbott announced Monday he would waive testing requirements for this year’s STAAR exam, as many schools expect to be closed at least through the April testing window, due to the new...
A day after posting its biggest drop since the Black Monday crash of 1987, the Dow jumped as Congress prepared a measure to help cushion the economic blow of the coronavirus.
The former vice president’s win in Michigan, in particular, has solidified Biden’s place as the front-runner to be the Democratic nominee.



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