
Trump is stepping up his attacks against the network after an election loss that he has steadfastly rejected. Fox News, like nearly all major media, has declared Joe Biden the presidential winner. 
Pfizer announced Monday that a COVID-19 vaccine developed with its partner, BioNTech, has proved to be more than 90% effective and that it plans to ask regulators for permission to sell the shot before the end of this month...
This year proved another disappointment for Texas Democrats, who underperformed the high expectations they had set for themselves, particularly in a hotly contested battle for dominance in the Texas House.
The Texas Army National Guard said Monday it had been ordered to send 1,000 troops to cities around the state ahead of Election Day.
Nov. 3 could be a long night, but Harris County Clerk Chris Hollins says he’s expecting unofficial returns without any major delays.
A map of polling places, voter ID rules, a sample ballot, and more information you need for the 2020 general election.
 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is questioning President Donald Trump’s fitness to serve, announcing legislation Thursday that would create a commission to allow Congress to intervene under the 25th Amendment to the Constitution...
President Trump has tweeted that he will leave Walter Reed National Military Center, where he has been receiving treatment for COVID-19, Monday evening.
The program — called “Let’s Beat COVID-19: Health Education, and Support Services,” or HESS — launches Thursday, and includes a support hotline, virtual support groups, and other resources, according to the city’s health...
The deadline to register to vote in Texas in the presidential election is Oct. 5 — next Monday.
Brad Raffensperger
Georgia's top election official said Wednesday the state will conduct a hand recount of all paper ballots cast in the Nov. 3 presidential election.
Voters in California have approved a ballot measure that will exempt companies like Uber and Lyft from Assembly Bill 5, the state’s landmark law that establishes a test for determining worker classification, The Associated...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Texas General Land Office on Friday released the second draft of its massive, multibillion-dollar project to protect the Texas Gulf Coast from hurricanes and storm surge.
Harris County is on track to clock a million in-person early voters by the end of this week. That’s compared to the 1.3 million total voters who turned out overall during the 2016 presidential election.
Harris County shattered its single-day early voting record Tuesday, as more than 128,000 people headed to the polls on the first day of early voting.
The Senate Judiciary Committee begins up to four days of hearings Monday on President Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Wednesday’s debate between Pence and Harris, by 2020 standards, was normal. The candidates ignored questions, defended Biden’s and Trump’s records, but it was the fly which created buzz.
The document contains 104 reform proposals, including changes to the Independent Police Oversight Board and additional mental health crisis training.
Mayor Sylvester Turner on Monday signed an executive order to implement a new cite-and-release program for the Houston Police Department, which would allow people accused of some low-level crimes to get off with a ticket...
 "The surge has come down. We've done a lot better. Cases are much more manageable, but we are seeing things hold steady when we were hoping for them to continue to decline."



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