
It’s expected to continue intensifying on a path to hit the U.S. coastline late Wednesday or early Thursday as a major Category 3 hurricane capable of “devastating” damage.
One storm is currently forecast to hit near the Texas-Louisiana border; the other could reach the Florida Panhandle. Two hurricanes hitting the Gulf at once would be unprecedented, experts say.
The vaccine still has to complete final trials, raising concerns among some experts at the speed of its approval, but the Russian business conglomerate Sistema has said it expects to put it into mass production by the end of...
New York’s attorney general announced civil action to dissolve the National Rifle Association after an investigation found millions of dollars in alleged fraud by CEO Wayne LaPierre and others.
Gov. Greg Abbott stressed Tuesday that only local school boards, not local governments, have the power to decide how to open schools this fall during the coronavirus pandemic.
Herman Cain, former Republican presidential candidate and former CEO of a major pizza chain who went on to become an ardent supporter of President Donald Trump, has died of complications from the coronavirus. He was 74.
The beaches with the most potentially unsafe days for swimming were located in Matagorda, Harris, Brazoria and Nueces counties. On average, beaches in Galveston had unsafe levels of contamination 23% of the time they were...
The United States said Wednesday that it has ordered China to close its consulate in Houston "to protect American intellectual property” and the private information of Americans.
West defeated Dickey, who was running for a second full term, early Monday morning at a tumultuous virtual state convention.
School districts won't lose state funding if they stick with virtual classes this fall because a local health authority has mandated that classrooms remain closed.
“Don’t wait until the skies are gray. Begin to think about what to do to survive right now.”
Thousands packed into a water park over the weekend in the Chinese city of Wuhan -- the first epicenter of the novel coronavirus that quickly swept the globe earlier this year.
Businesses that make up most of their sales with alcohol were closed down by Abbott’s latest shutdown order, leaving them to maneuver through loopholes to reopen.
The Census Bureau on Monday lopped a month off the time people have to respond to the 2020 count. Texas is already lagging behind the country in response rates, with low-income and Hispanic Texans at high risk of being...
The city of Houston will begin issuing citations to people who refuse to wear a mask or face covering, Mayor Sylvester Turner said Monday. People who violate Gov. Greg Abbott’s statewide face covering order will be issued a...
A COVID-19 vaccine candidate developed by the U.S. company Moderna and the National Institutes of Health starts its final phase of testing. It’s one of a handful of candidates to reach this stage.
Heavy rain is set to hit Houston over the weekend, as what is expected to be a tropical storm from the Gulf of Mexico heads toward Southeast Texas.
This year’s deadline has been extended to October 15th, but some are still concerned about an undercount.
Dozens of high-profile Twitter accounts were seemingly hacked in a massive Bitcoin scam on Wednesday afternoon, with each account tweeting out messages offering anyone thousands of dollars worth of cryptocurrency.
In a swift reversal, the Trump administration has agreed to rescind a directive that would have barred international college students from the U.S. if their colleges offered classes entirely online in the fall semester.



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