
Evangelical Leaders to Congress: Prioritize Orderly Borders and Human Dignity

Evangelical leaders sent a letter urging members of Congress to pursue policies that improve border security but also ensure due process and legal protections for asylum seekers and unaccompanied children.   Read more about Evangelical Leaders to Congress: Prioritize Orderly Borders and Human Dignity

Sens. Cruz, Scott, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Crack Down on CCP Espionage


U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Rick Scott (R-Fla.) introduced legislation to require more stringent reporting requirements from diplomats of American adversaries. This bill also applies to foreign missions in the U.S. conducted by China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. Read more about Sens. Cruz, Scott, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Crack Down on CCP Espionage

Farm Bill Priorities to Support Producers

I sent a letter to the House Committee on Agriculture detailing important priorities for Texas 11th District agricultural producers in the upcoming year and Farm Bill. The priorities include a strong farm safety net and crop insurance from natural disasters, animal predation research, and robust conservation funding.  Read more about Farm Bill Priorities to Support Producers

Cornyn, Hassan, Tillis, Bennet Introduce Bill to Ensure Veterans’ Access to Quality Mental Health Care


The Veterans Mental Health and Addiction Therapy Quality of Care Act would require an independent organization outside of the government to conduct a study to assess the quality of care veterans receive for mental and addiction health treatment from providers within and outside the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Read more about Cornyn, Hassan, Tillis, Bennet Introduce Bill to Ensure Veterans’ Access to Quality Mental Health Care

Today a Saviour is Born


Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25 of each calendar year.  It was over 2000 years ago that Almighty God sent His only begotten son Jesus to be sacrificed for our salvation.  How often do we really think about the intense love God has shown his people? Read more about Today a Saviour is Born

House Passes SUPPORT Act

In the last two years, we have lost 200,000 Americans to drug overdoses and fentanyl poisoning. In response, the House passed the Support Act, which included my legislation to crack down on drug traffickers using xylazine to cut fentanyl. Commonly used as a horse tranquilizer, xylazine is an essential drug used frequently by veterinarians. Read more about House Passes SUPPORT Act

Opening an Impeachment Inquiry Into President Biden


As chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I believe it’s crucial to know whether the president or any members of his family were influenced in any way by improper foreign business dealings.  Read more about Opening an Impeachment Inquiry Into President Biden

Funding our Troops and Supporting Military Families

I proudly voted for the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which passed the House and will fully fund our troops. Americans deserve a military that is laser-focused on lethality and protecting our safety. Included in the bill are strong conservative victories — including securing the largest troop pay raise in twenty years, ending woke ideology infiltrating our military, and a Parents' Bill of Rights for military families.  Read more about Funding our Troops and Supporting Military Families

Cornyn-Supported Defense Bill Passes Senate


U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) today released the following statement after the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2024 passed the Senate: Read more about Cornyn-Supported Defense Bill Passes Senate

Dec 20 Dallas Premier of ‘We The Parents’ Film Exposing Destruction of the Family by Courts


Dallas Jewish Conservatives host the Texas Premier of 'We The Parents' vs 'The State-Sanctioned Destruction of the Family'. Reserve your tickets now HERE for the 6:30PM December 20th event in Dallas, TX Read more about Dec 20 Dallas Premier of ‘We The Parents’ Film Exposing Destruction of the Family by Courts


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