Cain & Gingrich: Making Cents?
Elizabeth Perez, conservative candidate for Houston City Council At-Large #2 sent the following in about this Saturday's Cain-Gingrich Debate:
Texas is getting lots of attention with the Republican Presidential candidates. Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain will debate this weekend in The Woodlands (a suburb just north of Houston) with a focus on our nation’s economic and fiscal issues. As an accountant, I am happy to see that candidates are taking a closer look at our country’s finances. Cain has laid out his 9-9-9 plan which offers an alternative to our current tax system. Even though I think there are some things in his plan that need to be revisited, his plan puts economics in perspective for the average American – something that had not been done before by others.
The national economic disease is also apparent here in Houston at local level with: out of control spending, tax hikes and a deficit that leaves taxpayers soured with career politicians and their big interest lobbyists. The time has come for candidates to be “politically correct” and have a candid conversation with voters about the real economic situation facing our city and country today as a result of the current administration’s mismanagement. At the local level, I took matters into my own hands and threw my hat in the ring for a bid at Houston’s City Council At-Large Position #2. At a time when many Americans are unemployed or underemployed and tightening their financial belts, I find it appalling that our elected officials continue to mismanage tax dollars and raise taxes on the backs of small businesses and tax payers.
I am fighting against wasteful government spending and programs, like Prop 1 and beautification projects, that only profit special interests. To put it in perspective, answer this question: If you are living paycheck to paycheck and in debt, do you pay for decorations for your home, or do you pay your mortgage and utilities? I want to ensure that Houstonians’ tax dollars are allocated correctly. The direction of our city is mirroring that of our country and is no longer consistent with our founding values.
I look forward to hearing what all of the Republican Presidential candidates have to say about the urgent financial situation we find ourselves in, and how we will navigate ourselves out of it. As a mother and homeowner, I am glad to see that this debate format is organized to really discuss the issues in depth. I hope to see more debates like this with all the Republican candidates. In a separate posting, I will share some simple economic tips that can help you get out of debt and/or save money.
~Elizabeth C. Perez, Candidate for Houston City Council At-Large #2
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Gingrich is the best candidate