proposition 1
October 24th, 2014
There has been much gnashing of teeth over “Prop 1” that in a nutshell, would divert a portion of extra revenues that come into the Texas treasury into road building instead of the general fund or being parked in an already...
August 1st, 2013
TexasGOPVote was strongly against the passage of the City of Houston Charter Change (Stop Prop 1) that was pushed by Mayor Annise Parker and certain special interest-fed city council members like Stephen Costello, Oliver...
November 3rd, 2010
By less than a 2% margin, voters passed the controversial Proposition 1 "Rain Tax" bill. Now perhaps, we will get to see what's in it. The narrow margin by which this passed should send a message to the Mayor and City...
November 1st, 2010
Election time has come! Will this big government, special interest, over-taxing Proposition be defeated?If you have supported the No Rain PAC's stance in defeating Proposition 1, you are welcome to stop by and help celebrate...
November 1st, 2010
"You cant do indirectly what the law says you cant do directly" by calling this new TAX a FEE! Thats what one moral and law-abiding pastor respectfully retorts (VIDEO) after "Renew...
October 23rd, 2010
The media guys at have rolled out another great video showing what a MONSTER Houston's Proposition 1 will be. The "Rain Tax" that will be imposed on every person, business, church, school, hospital and...
October 19th, 2010
Day 1 for early voting is in the bag and Day 2 is underway. Voters across Texas rolled out in force to send a message to Washington and Austin. What that message is, we won’t know until the night of November 2nd but I...
October 7th, 2010
Houston Independent School District school board president Greg Meyers announced yesterday the anticipated impact of Houston's Proposition 1 on the district. He told KTRK Channel 13 that the proposition would cost the...
September 30th, 2010
Houston's Fox 26 News weighed into the fight over Houston's Proposition 1 and the onerous fees that will be levied on home owners, renters, businesses, churches, schools and your favorite charity. The Fox News story featured...
September 16th, 2010
A sequel is rarely as good as the original story. In the case of the once proposed Houston Rain Tax, the sequel recently announced by Houston City Council is a nightmare waiting to be unleashed on all residents of Houston...
October 2nd, 2014
Texas is an economic engine unlike any other, but there are things that could put the brakes on our dynamic growth. Congested highways and the unreasonably long commutes that go along with them have the potential to slow...
November 3rd, 2011
Elizabeth Perez, conservative candidate for Houston City Council At-Large #2 sent the following in about this Saturday's Cain-Gingrich Debate:Texas is getting lots of attention with the Republican Presidential candidates....
November 2nd, 2010
Good morning and welcome to election day in Harris County, Houston Texas. Today I will be traveling around the county visiting polling locations to let you see what is happening across the county. Many important issues...
November 1st, 2010
Proposition 1 is not a Republican vs Democrat issue. It is not a Conservative vs Liberal issue. It is an issue about what is good public policy for the City of Houston for the next (at least) forty years. In this radio ad...
October 28th, 2010
"Shut up, he explained," That is Kevin Shanley's October 22nd response to the thousands of concerned citizens, businesses, non-profits, churches, and school districts who have dared to criticize or oppose "Proposition 1."...
October 21st, 2010
Houston's KHOU (CBS 11) reports the money behind the scenes of Proposition 1 which voters will be asked to approve on the November 2nd ballot. It raises questions about the financing behind the campaign showing huge special...
October 11th, 2010
The Republican Party of Harris County has joined with StopPROP1 and urges all Houston voters to go to the bottom of the ballot and vote AGAINST Proposition 1.
October 6th, 2010
The City of Houston is trying to pull a fast one on the taxpayers! The new proposal of a "drainage fee", on the ballot as Proposition 1, is simply a new way of increasing the size of local government and expanding taxes to...
September 28th, 2010
The No Rain Tax PAC rolled out its new media campaign to StopPROP1. The brief infomercial takes a humorous look at how this radical proposition came to be. It enforces the point that Proposition 1 promotes a new onerous "...