How is the Political Landscape Shaping Up for the November 2014 Elections?
Obama's tough talk on ISIS won't make a political difference because it still shows no strategy, and, so far, none of his alleged coalition (which recently lost Turkey) is willing to put boots on the ground. The other problem is that if you look closely, it seems Obama wants us to be the Shiite Air Force.
Obama's political impact for November? None.
Wendy Davis' Book Tour shows that her New York publisher is selling her chances to win in November short and wants to sell books while they can.
Where is the vaunted Democratic Joint Campaign we were promised? Nowhere so far except for some minor league bloggers looking for any excuse to make a mountain out of a mole hill to generate so-called earned media and attack Republicans. Notice, there is also very little from them on their vision for Texas, maybe because Texas by and large is working.
Don't get cocky yet though! Turnout for GOP is still key. Make sure you and your friends vote. It is easier than ever.