Reduce Spending
August 13th, 2019
We all know Washington doesn’t have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem. Even with revenues increasing due to tax reform and our booming economy, our government spending is growing at an unsustainable pace. Congress...
January 5th, 2014
The following resolutions for the 2014 March primary election will be up for your consideration. I heartily encourage you to use these to help accomplish two goals:Get Out The Vote (GOTV) in the primary....
November 9th, 2011
There was no debate between Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain. It was a discussion, at best with Mr. Gingrich taking command of the stage while waxing philosophically about the issues. His command of the topics and language...
April 26th, 2011
The question - Should welfare applicants be tested for drug use prior to receiving benefits from the state? Damali Keith of Houston's Fox 26 News invited me and the Texas League of Young Voters director Christina Sanders to...
April 8th, 2011
Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi addressed students at Tufts University this afternoon, reflecting on her career and legacy. I wonder if she told them about how she abdicated her primary responsibility as speaker,...
February 18th, 2011
The American people made it abundantly clear in November; they were fed up with out-of-control government spending and voted for change. Cutting back on wasteful federal government programs is critical to protecting freedom...
February 4th, 2011
“As long as people will accept crap, it will be financially profitable to dispense it.” - Dick Cavett
July 23rd, 2019
The budget deal reached by administration negotiators and congressional leadership is yet another missed opportunity to rein in excessive government spending. This deal irresponsibly jacks up spending by $320 billion without...
August 16th, 2012
Many think Obama has the youth vote wrapped up. However, this week I received an email from Matthew Faraci with "Generation Opportunity" (GO). GO is a non-profit group that is working on engaging young adults, early career...
July 13th, 2011
Today I signed on as a co-sponsor of the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011, which was introduced by Senator Mike Lee (R-UT).With the President refusing to show leadership and the Democrat-controlled Senate refusing to pass a...
April 23rd, 2011
"When you set the bar low, you jump low," said US Rep. and retired Army Lt. Col. Allen West (R-FL) quoting one of his jump instructors from his early Army training. That is exactly what we have been doing in the House of...
April 7th, 2011
Irresponsible Democrats in the last Congress failed one of their primary Constitutional duties. Now the Democrats sit back with egg on their faces, being dubbed the "PARTY of NO budget" after failing to write a budget for...
February 12th, 2011
I heard Gov. Barbour speak at the 2010 RPT Convention. He learned much from his former boss Ronald Reagan about how to fire up a crowd. Talk about issues, tell a good story or two, be humerous, but be real. Governor...
February 2nd, 2011
“We must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda; it is a form of truth” President John F Kennedy