Planned Parenthood

A second hearing examining abortion procedures and medical ethics at the nation’s largest abortion provider will be held on October 8.
The House and Senate Rs really do need to figure out a way to run things. Lead. Take charge.
Texas Alliance for Life applauds the strong efforts of Republican leadership in Congress to move forward with a strategy of shifting funds from Planned Parenthood to better providers of women's health services -- providers...
Today I voted to halt federal funding for Planned Parenthood and instead fund community health clinics that offer women’s health services but not abortions. I also voted in favor of legislation providing protection and care...
“America will not reject abortion till it sees abortion.” – Father Frank Pavone
Over the past few weeks, Americans have seen a series of videos come out of Planned Parenthood that are nothing short of horrifying. The footage shows senior Planned Parenthood officials laughing, swilling chardonnay and...
An organization that so callously reduces our most vulnerable to spare parts for sale has no business receiving any money from the federal taxpayers.
On Thursday I attended the Students for Life of America #WomenBetrayed Rally on the East Front of the U.S. Capitol and delivered the following remarks. Video of my remarks is available above.We are here today rallying for...
Austin, TX -- In response the the disturbing videos recently released by the Center for Medical Progress showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing the procurement and sale of body parts from aborted babies and the...
Planned Parenthood Director Admits To Selling Fetus Body Parts
On the day Planned Parenthood president, Cecile Richards, testified before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, September 29, a counter-tactical national #pinkout was initiated in desperation to help...
At a Congressional hearing on the practices of Planned Parenthood Tuesday morning, president Cecile Richards explained the organization's decision making that goes into opening new clinics in neighborhoods in order to expand...
Last week, I joined my colleague Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC) in writing about giving women better access to health care. Contrary to the rhetoric, women’s health care doesn’t have to be sacrificed to protect the life...
This week, the House is expected to vote on the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015. I’m a proud cosponsor of this important pro-life legislation that stops the flow of taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood and instead...
Last week, another shocking video was released exposing top officials at Planned Parenthood selling aborted baby body parts.
In response to these disturbing videos, I coauthored Representative Diane Black's (R-TN) “Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015,” which immediately cuts off all federal funding to Planned Parenthood and its affiliates for a...
Even as hundreds of 'Women Betrayed' gathered to pray and protest the selling of unborn baby body parts in front of the Planned Parenthood abortuary at 2140 Babcock, in San Antonio on July 28, the third video surfaced, and...
This week I joined Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and 132 other House Republicans in calling for an immediate DOJ investigation of Planned Parenthood practices revealed in a series of disturbing videos.
A bill to defund Planned Parenthood for one year was introduced on the Senate floor Wednesday, a sign of growing pressure on the controversial organization after newly released covert videos appear to show officials...
Speaker John Boehner announced today that committees in the House of Representatives will take a look at the Planned Parenthood abortion business after a shocking new expose’ video that caught Planned Parenthood’s top doctor...



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