Illegal Immigration

An administration official confirmed to NBC News that an executive order had been drafted by the departments of Justice and Homeland Security to temporarily stop separating children from the parents of people detained at the...
I recently discussed my plan to update and reintroduce my 2014 legislation, the HUMANE Act, to keep parents and children who’ve been apprehended at our border together while they wait for their court hearings. Excerpts of my...
Cato published my recent Immigration Research and Policy Brief that relied on Texas state criminal data to compare the conviction rates of native-born Americans, legal immigrants, and illegal immigrants.
On March 30th, Adolfo Flores reported that a caravan of at least 1200 Central Americans were walking north through Mexico in search of better living and working conditions.
Since day one of his campaign for president, Donald Trump has linked illegal immigration with crime.
The Senate voted on four immigration bills on Thursday afternoon; they need 60 votes to advance. They all failed.
Economist John R. Lott Jr. of the Crime Prevention Research Center released a working paper in which he purports to find that illegal immigrants in Arizona from 1985 through 2017 have a far higher prison admissions rate than...
The Trump Administration recently ordered the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to stop issuing H-2A visas for temporary agricultural work to Haitians.  One of the reasons given for not allowing Haitians to use the visas...
Trump bipartisan meeting on DACA
Today in an unprecedented move, President Trump allowed the press to video record most of a meeting he held with bipartisan members of Congress to discuss a legislative solution to DACA. The president said that he would sign...
Ali Noorani, Executive Director of the National Immigration Forum, took on Tucker Carlson on his show Tucker Carlson Tonight on December 21, 2017.
All Americans are rightly horrified by the images we are seeing on the news, children in tears pulled away from their mothers and fathers. This must stop. Now. We can end this crisis by passing the legislation I am...
In order to pass legislation to secure the border and protect Dreamers before the November midterm elections, House Speaker Paul Ryan has scheduled a meeting to be held on June 7th with Republican representativ
Arguments against immigration come across my desk every day but I rarely encounter a unique one.  In 2016, I wrote a blog responding to the most common arguments with links to different research. Since then, academics and...
The federal omnibus budget that President Donald Trump approved on March 23rd allocates $1.57 billion of taxpayers’ money for barriers along the US-Mexico border, significantly less than the $18-25 billion the president has...
Over the weekend, I went to the Texas-Mexico border near Laredo. On this, my 20th border trip, I spent time along the river with the Border Patrol.
Immigrant neighborhoods are safer than native-born areas.We hear ubiquitously that “illegal immigrants” bring crime to the U. S.  But if you want to feel safer from crime, move to a neighborhood of undocumented immigrants. ...
In the midst of time sensitive negotiations between bipartisan members of congress working to legislate a permanent solution for DACA, Judge William Alsup of the United States District Court for the Northern District of...
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) last week released a report that found that about 94 percent of foreign-born inmates in Federal prisons are illegal immigra
Whether immigrants ever threatened the jobs and wages of the native-born once upon a time, they probably don’t threaten them now. There’s plenty of evidence that high-skilled foreigners raise the wages of high-skilled and...



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