
Obama's Mideast policy can be classified as disaster jointly administered by John Kerry, who shows why the voters were right to reject him in 2004, and Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state, who left office before...
In the last several weeks over 2,500 rockets rained down on the nation of Israel. 80 percent of the population has had to flee what they're doing and run to bomb shelters to hide: moms, dads, and children. When the alarm...
The Hamas terrorists in Gaza keep shooting their rockets into Israel. Israel has used defensive weapons to intercept some. However, Iranian-backed Hamas keeps on reloading its six-shooters and firing into civilian areas.The...
The sequester has forced many branches of our armed forces to stop their college tuition aid programs for active duty troops and vets, but it hasn’t slowed obama’s cash outlay to questionable organizations and countries.In...
Ann Althouse recently asked the question, “Has Hillary Clinton ever registered an actual accomplishment?” Good question, since her major accomplishment as the Secretary of State is to leave the Middle East imploding as she...
The Senate has sent a unified message to the world: we will not rest until the Hamas terrorists responsible for the horrific murder of Naftali Fraenkel are found and justice is served. Two Israeli teens, Gilad Shaer and Eyal...
Yesterday, I spoke on the Senate floor about the urgent need to reverse the longstanding and misguided Obama-Clinton-Kerry policy towards Israel, laid out in a speech by Obama advisor Philip Gordon in Tel Aviv last week....
The most recent collapse of the tedious and tiresome diplomatic kabuki theater commonly known as the Israeli- Palestinian peace process was wholly predictable.Once again Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has...
I issued the following statement today regarding reports President Obama will nominate former Sen. Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense:I will not support Chuck Hagel’s nomination to the Department of Defense. His record and...
Siraj Wihhaj, AN UNINDICTED CO-CONSPIRATOR IN THE 1993 WTC BOMBING, was invited to deliver the “Juma,” an Islamic prayer, at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. This is a man who once remarked, “It is my duty and our...



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