Gulf of Mexico
September 25th, 2019
Tropical Storm Imelda made landfall in Southeast Texas last week and dropped a massive amount of rain all across the region.
October 11th, 2012
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison joined a bipartisan group of her Gulf Coast colleagues in sending a letter to President Obama that calls on the Department of Justice (DOJ) to respect the will of Congress...
February 3rd, 2011
Barack Hussein Obama has shown great contempt for the clear will of the American people—our values, our livelihoods, our States, and our opinions.He has ignored the American borders.He has instructed his minions to work...
September 2nd, 2010
The Vermillion Oil rig 380, owned by Houston-based Mariner Energy, has exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, eighty miles off the coast of Louisiana. There were thirteen people on the rig at the time of explosion, and all have...
July 25th, 2010
Lafayette, Louisiana is a friendly place in the heart of Cajun country. Good people. Fun people. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and lots who don’t care much about politics at all. A not-so-small college.
June 30th, 2010
There are numerous sources of bad information, misinformation, intentionally distorted information, and even outright lies circulating in media and government circles regarding the accidental BP Macondo blowout in the...
June 23rd, 2010
At the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico is a canyon, much like the Grand Canyon in Arizona, except that it is covered by about a mile of sea water. It is both wide and deep. It has steep cliff-like walls. And two or three...
June 16th, 2010
Organizing For America (AKA, used last night's Presidential address to send out an email blast in support of cap-and-trade legislation. The email is quoted below:Tonight, in his very first speech from the...
June 4th, 2013
AUSTIN — Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott issued the following statement after a federal district judge overturned a federal emergency rule that attempted to punish certain states – Texas, Louisiana and Florida - by...
October 9th, 2012
The Department of Interior’s Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement has approved Texas Parks and Wildlife’s Artificial Reef Plan to designate two reefing zones in the Gulf of Mexico. This allows for an easier...
March 16th, 2011
The recent surge in gas prices puts an added strain on families and small businesses already struggling in this difficult economic climate.To address our energy needs and decrease our dependence on foreign oil, there are...
September 6th, 2010
The moratorium on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and the undeniable de facto moratorium in shallow waters are costing thousands of American jobs, and will create grave and permanent harm to workers and...
July 28th, 2010
From July 13 - 19, Quinnipiac University surveyed 2,181 registered voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 2.1 percentage points. Below is a sample of some of the questions asked and results obtained:The country...
July 7th, 2010
Part Three:I get several emails per day by the federal administration’s “Unified Command” that purport to be making progress on the blowout. They fly two aircraft from Louisiana to Galveston with a cargo of brown pelicans...
June 26th, 2010
I certainly can’t recall 2 years when I’ve seen an administration barrel its agenda directly into the wing, whether political or judicial. George W. Bush resolutely prosecuted the war in Iraq, even as its public popularity...
June 17th, 2010
It is a policy of this administration to “never let a crisis go to waste,” and the Obama “Oil Spill” speech was a classic Obama performance in which he went from let's plug that hole to let's save the planet.
June 15th, 2010
I issued the following statement after the conclusion of President Obama’s address to the American people: