April 13th, 2015
Unlike Michael Brown, Akai Gurley did nothing wrong to be shot to death by a police officer. But you heard little about this tragedy. That’s because when it happened, the family of police-shooting victim Akai Gurley had a...
August 28th, 2014
Those of you, who know me, know that I am not a real big “government conspiracy” guy. However, I always love to listen to any conspiratorial story. I can easily listen to most suggestions of government conspiracy to cover...
August 18th, 2014
The volatile situation in Missouri has showcased the profound difference between the character traits of leaders and losers. This week, we have seen:1) The reckless abandon of criminals who used the situation as an excuse to...
September 24th, 2014
The author of the following article, Anna Marion, is an advisor to leaders who wish to incorporate wholeness and healing into their decision making. Anna is trained in the Theophostic method of inner-healing, has an...
August 26th, 2014
Will Grigg, an outstanding writer and journalist on police and civil liberties issues (and much else), joined me the other day to give a libertarian overview of the situation in Ferguson, Missouri. Have a listen!Get a...