Interview with Rep. Geanie Morrison of the Hispanic Republican Conference (VIDEO)
The following interview with Texas State Representative Geanie Morrison is one of a series of interviews conducted by VOCES Action and TexasGOPVote with members of the Hispanic Republican Conference in the 82nd session of the Texas Legislature. Rep. Morrison is a member of the Texas House of Representatives representing District 30 which includes Refugio, Victoria, Jackson, De Witt, and Lavaca Counties.
Rep. Morrison had a few minutes to come off the House floor for a short interview. She told us why she got involved in politics. She also explained why being a member of the Hispanic Republican Conference is important and discussed how the Hispanic population in her district is growing. During her service on the Juvenile Justice and Family Issues Committee, Representative Morrison authored the Countrys first Baby Moses legislation, which provides desperate mothers a responsible alternative to newborn abandonment. Since its passage in 1999, all 50 states have implemented similar measures, and hundreds of newborns have been saved nationwide.
The Hispanic Republican Conference has been growing.Originally it was formed by the House’s five Hispanic Republicans but has since been joined by other State Representatives whose districts have at least 30% Hispanic constituents. The Hispanic Republican Conference will be addressing some issues that have been controversial in parts of the state with large Hispanic populations.
Hispanics make up 36% of the Texas population and this percentage is growing. Hispanics share Republican conservative values of fiscal responsibility, faith, hard work, family values, and are pro-life. VOCES Action has been educating and empowering Americans with Hispanic backgrounds, and who hold conservative values, to make more responsible and informed voting decisions
Adryana Boyne: Hello, we are here with Representative Geanie Morrison. Thank you for allowing us to interview you during this very busy time in session. First of all, Id like to know a little bit more about your background and why you got involved in politics?
Geanie Morrison: Ive been involved for a long time, not just in local politics, but more importantly, in my community, and was always interested in working on issues that dealt more with children, and their issues, so just more of a community volunteer and then just starting grassroots politics and was drafted by my predecessor who said Im not going to run again, but we want you to run.
Adryana Boyne: Well one of the things that we are aware of is the Hispanic Republicans have the Hispanic Republican Conference, and you are a member, or associate member. Will you tell us why you joined this conference?
Geanie Morrison: Well because my district is very Hispanic trending, and I think its very important that I stay in touch with all of our constituents. Its a community that I grew up in, and a lot of my friends are Hispanic, and I represent all of my district, so its very important that we when we had the Hispanic Republican Conference that I was a part of that.
Adryana Boyne: Most Democrats make the people believe that Hispanics must vote Democrat. Can you tell me why you disagree with that and what you think we can do to outreach to the Latinos about the Republican values?
Geanie Morrison: Hispanic values are exactly Republican values. Theyre family, theyre education, and wanting to make sure that their children do well. So I think what the Republicans basically believe in are the same values that Hispanics believe in, and as a I talk to small business owners and people that Ive gone to school with and grown up with, theres no difference. Their values are exactly the same, and its mostly education for their children and very conservative family values.
Adryana Boyne: Can you tell us a little but about your district, and what are the issues they are concerned most with?
Geanie Morrison: My district is a rural district. Victoria County is about 85,000, but the rest of the counties throughout are small counties. My district is very concerned about education of their children and making sure that their children have good education, and of course taxes, as everyone is, to make sure that they can live within their means. Its a very agricultural district also, so I would say basically family values. Everyone is pretty much on the same wavelength, close-knit, small communities, surrounding Victoria, just mostly traditional family values. My district is trending very Hispanic, its always been Hispanic, but our school district now is over 50% Hispanic, so my district is trending very Hispanic, and its the district that I grew up in, and I know everyone in my community, so its very easy to represent them and know them, for them to feel comfortable that they can visit with me and know whats going on in the community.
Adryana Boyne: I would like to ask you a little bit about the committees you are involved with. Can you briefly tell us about the committees you are involved with?
Geanie Morrison: I serve on Appropriations on the Education Subcommittee and then also on Human Services as the Vice Chair.
Adryana Boyne: What are you doing right now on those committees?
Geanie Morrison: Well in Appropriations, we finished the budget on the House side, so we sent it to the Senate, and now were hearing bills, regular bills in the committee, and Human Services, were meeting and just listening to other members legislation and reviewing that and passing those bills out.
Adryana Boyne: Well I want to say thank you not only for serving the people in your district, but also for serving the people of Texas.
Geanie Morrison: Thank you, very nice to meet you.
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