How to Stop a Tyrannical Progressive Attack
We have been watching the Progressives tear our country apart, bit by bit, for decades. Their agenda should be obvious by now — they want a horrendous federal government to be the sole power to control American citizens and determine their future — not the citizens themselves. But worse, the American citizens have been asleep for many years remaining apathetic, disinterested, and lazy — refusing often to even vote. If not, how did we get here?
Being a proud citizen of Texas I am extremely pleased to say that our governor is leading a charge in our state to bring on a Convention of States! But unlike the amendments that have been posed in recent years, he is suggesting some changes that would put us back on track with what our founders wanted for us. Please join me in reading his proposal and imagine what our country’s direction would take with such an implementation!
Abbott calls for convention on Constitution
If you don’t find this news uplifting, then you may be one of ‘them’ trying to lead us down that wrong path…
To view his entire speech on this topic, watch the following video.