Christian Genocide
Christianity has long been a persecuted religion. For Christians living in certain countries, such as Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and Iran, they face persecution every day. Sometimes that includes discrimination, exclusion and other times that includes criminal acts, like slavery, rape, torture and murder. Some have been forced to watch as their churches are burnt to the ground. Just last week, the Islamic State crucified a Catholic Priest on Good Friday. And on Easter Sunday, suicide bombers targeting Christians killed 70 people in Pakistan. Unfortunately, these headlines have become the new normal.
In total, over 1,000 Christians have been killed by the radical Islamic State. These atrocious, cold-blooded massacres are an attack on the very nature of human existence: the right to practice one’s religion. This is mass genocide by ISIS and other radical jihadist groups. It is not an isolated event or occurance, it is taking place throughout the world. After pressure from Congress, the State Department has finally labeled these atrocities as genocide. Protecting Christians should be a priority for our government.
Declaring the torture, crucifixion, and murder of Christians and certain religious group’s genocide is now the official position of the United States. Genocide in any form is a grave injustice to those who are persecuted for their beliefs.
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