Brady Statement on POTUS's Executive Order on Drug Pricing
As the top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee, I released the following statement after President Trump issued an executive order aimed at lowering drug prices:
I applaud President Trump for fighting to lower drug prices, and I believe the one-month delay on international pricing is an opportunity for the President to work with medical innovators to lower drug prices without harming innovation. In support of our shared goal of making drugs affordable, House Republicans are championing H.R. 19, a bill comprised of bipartisan solutions to lower the costs of medicines for workers and seniors while accelerating new life-saving cures. We believe this is a better approach to achieve the President’s goal than importing foreign price controls that slow down the development of new medical cures.
- H.R. 19, the Lower Costs, More Cures Act, is the bipartisan path forward to crack down on overpriced drugs while encouraging more cures, exactly the prescription America needs during a global pandemic.
- House Democrats continue to put politics over patients.
- Senate Democrats abandoned bipartisanship.