Cornyn on Biden’s Plan to Destroy Texas Energy Industry
Recently on Fox News’ Cavuto Live, I discussed former Vice President Joe Biden’s plan to decimate the oil and gas industry, which employs hundreds of thousands of Texans. Excerpts of my interview are below, and video can be found here.
He's not only not a friend of the industry. He's not a friend of the people who count on the domestic energy industry for their jobs, the hundreds of thousands of people.
It just reflects his lack of understanding of how important fossil fuels still are to our economy.
Joe has done the impossible, which, I think he's alienated just about everybody now. He's alienated people who understand the importance of our domestic energy industry not only here for jobs and the economy, but also in terms of geopolitics.
Because he's waffled on this, I think now he's caused a lot of questions among some of the environmental radicals who want him to go to renewable energy like, next year.