Cornyn on Fox: Attorney General Holder 'Needs to Come Clean' Over 'Fast and Furious'

Good morning – last night I appeared on The O’Reilly Factor with Laura Ingraham to discuss the ongoing investigation of the ‘Fast and Furious’ gun-walking scandal, reports of a second, Texas-based operation, and the promotions of ATF officials who spearheaded the program:

“But the question is not just did Eric Holder know it, but did his boss know it? And, frankly, there needs to be some heads rolling here in terms of accountability and responsibility. And we’re going to keep pursuing this thing. Im going to keep working with Congressman Issa and Senator Grassley until we get to the bottom of this. Eric Holder needs to come clean. He needs to be held accountable. The people responsible for this need to be held accountable.”



The fix is in, the Fall Guy, Melsen, has been framed. All you're going to hear is the sound of the 5th Amendment.

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