The Hypocrisy of President Barack Hussein Obama - Egyptian vs American Protests

Hundreds of thousands of protesters in Egypt take to the streets demanding change from what they perceive to be an unresponsive government. United States President, Barack Hussein Obama is so moved that he calls the President of Egypt urging Mr. Mubarak to step down from his office, perhaps immediately.

He then steps to his powerful presidential podium and speaks to the protesters in Egypt saying President Hosni Mubarak must begin a transition immediately toward a new government, and assured protesters "we hear your voices".

He continued on to say, "To the people of Egypt, especially the young ones, I want to be clear: we hear your voices. I have an unyielding belief that you will seize your own destiny." 

How arrogant is it that this president thinks he can simply inject himself into the political debate of the sovereign nation of Egypt?

Think back now to the summer of 2009 when hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets of Washington DC and cities all across this nation to protest the Obama Healthcare Bill that was passed anyway, against the will of the majority of the American people.

Did President Obama take to his all powerful, all seeing, presidential podium and say, "we hear your voices"?  No, he didn't. Did he say "You will seize your own destiny"? No, he didn't. Did he get on the phone and call Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and advise them that they make an immediate change in course? No, he didn't.  

In fact, the White House unbelievably declared that it wasn't even aware of the protest rally that received nationwide coverage in advance of the rally.  White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said, "I don't know who the group is."

Imagine if President Mubarak, or the leader of any other country had gone on international television and told the Tea Party protesters, "We hear your voice" and called on President Obama to step aside as President of the United States?

What is wrong with this man, that he is so willing to listen to the will of the people; but only when it is the will of people outside of his own nation? What level of self-importance must he have to believe that the people of Egypt will actually stop their protests because "we hear your voices"? And what level of hypocrisy is it that he can respond to the protesters of Egypt and completely ignore even larger protests from American citizens?

Mr. President, I advise you learn to listen to the people of this country.  You know, the ones who actually pay your salary. Perhaps we should demand that you step down immediately, like you are demanding of the President of Egypt.

Listen to US Mr. President.  It is our nation you swore to defend.

Also by Bob Price: Interview with AG Greg Abbott on lawsuits against Obamacare


drdorje, apparently you didn't hear or head your president's call for civility in discussion. The use of the degrading term "tea-bagger" is nasty, offensive and designed to escalate the discourse in political discussion.

I am not equating the tea party protests and the Egyptian protests at all. Protests by American citizens to an American president should be considered at a much higher level of regard than those of citizens of another country about that country's own political situation.  

Yes, Mubarak is a dictator who has completely ignored the will of his people. He will now probably follow the path of all dictators to his demise as a political force in Egypt.

However, I would say that an American president who ignores the will of the people who, by a large majority, clearly opposed his policies, is leading himself to a role close to that of dictator. The appointment of record numbers of czars, unprecedented levels of recess appointments, ignoring the voice of the American people are all indicators of a leader who is more interested in his own power than the processes of our Republic designed to protect America from the kinds of tyrants who come and go in countries around the world.

Now please go learn how to play nice in the sandbox.

You said, "The only reason most people don't like Affordable Care Act as passed is because of the ridiculous compromises the Democrats had to make just to get the thing passed."

Didn't you mean the ridiculous bribes they had to pay to members of their own party to get them to go against the will of their constituents?

Ah yes, of course...  I thought that's what you meant.

I am sorry to have to inform you of this, but most Americans are not like you.  Most opposed the Obamacare program.  The polls clearly showed this and the November election confirmed the polls.

And who's party did the voters just recently take the monopolistic control of power away from?  I think it was yours. Checks and balances are a good thing.  They keep power from swinging too far out of bounds from the will of the voters.

No Finchy, what's wrong here is that you think this article has anything to do with the international issue of Egypt. This article is about an American president who refuses to listen to the will of the American voter. Barack Obama said in October that the November election was clearly about his presidency. I agree with him on that.  The problem is, he did not learn from his "shalackin" in November and continues with his "my way or the highway" attitude.

Well said to you both!


Your use of the derogatory term Teabagger boldly says what kind of human being you are and what you represent.  Do you feel a part of the hate crowd of liberalism?  So much for civility.  Are you a Palin basher as well?


Our putative president has had much to say to the public he ignores, like:


Obama:“They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Obama to His Followers:“Get in Their Faces!”

Obama on ACORN Mobs:“I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”

Obama to His Mercenary Army:“Hit Back Twice As Hard”

Obama on the private sector:“We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“

Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”

Obama to lib supporters:“It’s time to Fight for it.”

Obama to Latino supporters:“Punish your enemies.”

Obama to democrats:“I’m itching for a fight.”


Do you think that's classy for a U.S. president?  Is he a dictator or president?  You tell me.  

Finchy, you're so intelligent you should sincerely stick by your man Barry, and hold steadfastly your allegiance to Muslim Brotherhood whereby Shariah rules.  Down with the infidels!!  On a more serious note, I do not think you comprehended the message of the story. 

ObamaCare and the unconstitutionality of this corrupt bill, and how it was illegally and unethically shoved down the MAJORITY of American's throats, is no minor issue sir.  What town are you from?  Our putative & tone-deaf president needs cochlear implants for hearing, and eye glasses for his myopic vision.  What he is seeing isn't the vision of the American people.

"Our country sends A LOT of money in aid to Egypt,"  That's true, but...

Egypt, after voting 79% of the time against the United States, still receives $2 billion annually in US Foreign Aid.

Jordan votes 71% against the United States and receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

Pakistan votes 75% against the United States receives $6,721,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

India votes 81% against the United States receives $143,699,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

Perhaps it is not time to get out of the UN, curtail our generousity and give the tax savings back to the American workers who are having to skimp and sacrifice to pay the taxes and be herded like sheep. Egypt, for example, after voting 79% of the time against the United States, still receives $2 billion annually in US Foreign Aid.

So Obama hears the voices of Egyptians - and not the Tea party.
What more proof do we need that a lunatic occupies the White House?  After all the crazy laws and taxes he's proposing to stop "Global Warming" -  and now his EPA is claiming that your drinking tap water is the cause of Autism -  he passed a humongous "Healthcare" bill for most US citizens (except his buddies in the Unions, who get waivers) and he dissed the USA in speeches to countries all over the world.  What else does he have to do to convince the fools who still believe him? 

the clear fool is you!  This empty suit in the White House will only go with the flow, he'll never make a tough decision...Iran protesters?  American people?  This clown- Obuma, is playing a dangerous game of Chicago politics that I hope leads to impeachment.

Yes, but your comments will look somewhat naive when at the end of his second term, Barry Soetoro declares himself President for Life and places the FBI and all police forces throughout America under the direct authority of the newly created Dept of National Security headed by Bill Ayers.   



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