Tony Gonzales

I joined 40 Members of Congress in sending a letter to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, urging him to use all diplomatic means to ensure Mr. Paul Rusesabagina’s return to the United States.
Ensuring that taxpayer dollars are never used to fund abortions is one of my top priorities in Congress.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) joined a bipartisan group of members of the U.S.-Mexico Border Congressional Delegation in sending a letter to President Joe Biden urging him to ease...
In order to ensure that our National Guard is able to answer our states’ and our nation’s toughest calls, our troops need the adequate resources, including the proper rotation, retention and recruitment of personnel in the...
The Bipartisan Border Solutions Act is the only bipartisan, bicameral legislation to respond to the surge in migrants coming across our southern border.
Providing a veteran with a service dog can be a life-altering and life-saving tool for our veterans who suffer with post-traumatic stress disorder or other adverse mental health impacts.
We have capabilities in Texas’s 23rd District to develop rare earth elements and products. Developing this industry further would not only end our reliance on China but would also promote American innovation and...
As a father of six, I understand how vital it is for kids to have access to the best resources, so they can become exemplary leaders and members of our communities.
I recently questioned the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Denis McDonough on the reopening of Frank Tejada VA Outpatient Clinic, transition initiatives for veterans coming from active duty and evolving...
Politicizing our Department of Defense and the men and women who risk their lives for us daily is unfair and dangerous to our national security.
Over the last year, Americans watched as peaceful, legitimate protests were infiltrated by Antifa’s violence and extremism. The looting and riots that ensued in 2020 at the hands of Antifa have no place in this country.
The Reaching English Learners Act establishes a grant program for institutions of higher education to partner with high-need school districts to develop teacher training programs that will eliminate the achievement...
For those of us who represent areas where these children are found and where processing centers are located, increased transparency between Congress and ORR would allow for better awareness and swifter, more effective policy...
The American people, and the entire world, deserve answers in regards to the origins of COVID-19.
The handling of this sexual assault case is not unique to the Army and there needs to be significant improvement to the way the sexual harassment and assault claims are handled throughout the Armed Forces.
I donned a cap and gown for the first time this weekend when I delivered the keynote address at the Sul Ross State University commencement ceremony.
We heard a lot of lofty proposals from President Biden this evening, however he failed to mention how he plans to cross the aisle and accomplish his agenda for our country with both parties.
This legislation is aimed at correcting bureaucratic inefficiencies that have previously kept border patrol agents from receiving due compensation for the demanding jobs they perform. By ensuring agents receive fair pay, it...
Any allegations of misconduct or abuse must be fully investigated. As a father to six, seeing unaccompanied children is heartbreaking. Any child – no matter their legal status – must be protected against any type of abuse....
As we begin this year’s appropriations process, I am committed to ensuring that the innocent lives of the unborn are protected, and that conservatives reject Democrats’ attempts to allow for taxpayer funds to be used on...



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