John Cornyn

Thursday, I joined the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) in announcing the findings of critical new research on the severe impact federal climate change, or cap-and-trade, legislation would have on the Texas economy....
Today, I issued the following statement regarding the Army’s decision not to reverse the FMTV contract award, following its re-evaluation:
The President’s proposal to end NASA’s human space flight program is misguided and extremely disappointing. A nation’s global status and dominance has always depended on its leadership in the human exploration of new...
I congratulate Mark Kirk for his victory in the Illinois Republican Senate primary election. With Congressman Kirk as our nominee, the Republican Party has a real opportunity to pick up the President's former Senate seat in...
As member of the Senate Budget Committee, I released the following statement today regarding the President’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2011:
President Obama’s State of the Union address was like many of his other speeches - it was clearly well delivered and certainly he has a gift.
Today, I issued the following statement after the Senate voted down the Conrad Amendment to H.J. Resolution 45, a proposal that would have created a bipartisan commission to propose long range steps to relieve the mounting...
I issued the following statement today regarding President Obama’s pledge on January 22, 2009, to close Guantanamo Bay no later than today, January 22, 2010:
Today, I issued the following statement in response to President Obama's proposed tax increase on selected firms and industries:
Americans have already seen and rejected the way Democrats bought their way to 60 votes in the Senate, including political payoffs such as the "Louisiana Purchase," the "Cornhusker Kickback," and billions of dollars in "...
Today, I issued the following statement marking the one-year anniversary of the President’s stimulus package:
Today, Sam Brownback, R-Kansas and I announced the introduction of legislation to support efforts by Iranian opposition groups to remove the abusive and destabilizing government regime in Tehran, which is headed by Supreme...
I issued the following statement yesterday regarding the newly released January jobs report:
Today, I released the following statement regarding legislation I have cosponsored to bar taxpayer dollars from funding the trial of 9/11 terrorists in civilian court:
Today, I issued the following statement calling for action on the issues of trade, offshore energy production and tax relief for small businesses, which President Obama voiced his commitment for in last night’s State of the...
I issued the following statement after agreeing to cosponsor a Resolution of Disapproval of the EPA’s Endangerment Rule, introduced by U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and supported by a bipartisan group of Senators:
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and I sent a letter to President Obama Friday, urging him to override the DoJ’s decision to try the Christmas Day Bomber in civilian court and designate him as an enemy combatant, so that he...
Today, I issued the following statement in response to reports that the Obama Administration is considering transferring the notorious Bali nightclub bomber, responsible for the deaths of 202 people, including 7 Americans,...
Today, I issued the following statement regarding the release of a White House report detailing security lapses prior to al Qaeda’s attempted bombing of a Detroit-bound airliner.
I challenge all fellow open government advocates, including President Obama who promised that transparency would be a ‘touchstone’ of his administration, to join me in supporting CSPAN’s request to cover further meetings...



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