
Donald Trump has nothing to lose. But what does he have to gain? Never in the modern era has any candidate entered a consequential debate in such a degraded position: Trump isn’t merely facing an uphill climb (as John McCain...
The senator from Virginia came across as over-rehearsed, often interrupting his Republican opponent, Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, with points Kaine had already made several times earlier in the debate. At times, Kaine simply...
For the last two years, the Rosetta spacecraft has danced around a comet. Today, it finally made contact with the icy body — and sent its last signal.
Six people have been shot and injured by a shooter in southwest Houston Monday morning.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are preparing for their highly anticipated Monday night debate showdown in ways that appear to be as different as their candidacies. One looks to be hunkering down with homework, research and...
The Pentagon says the militant known as "Dr. Wa'il", the Islamic State's minister of propaganda and one of its most senior leaders, was killed by a coalition airstrike near the group's de facto capital, Raqqah, Syria.
The US and Russia announced a plan Friday to bring about a ceasefire in Syria, Secretary of State John Kerry said."Today we are announcing an arrangement that we think has the capability of sticking but it's dependent on...
On Labor Day, which presidential candidate would do a better job when it comes to labor — that is, to creating jobs?A new poll shows it couldn't be closer: 44% say Democrat Hillary Clinton; 44% say Republican Donald Trump....
In Germany, Google stopped showing everything but the headlines of publishers’ articles—and when the publishers’ traffic plummeted, they relented and granted Google a temporary free license to use snippets of their article...
"It was almost just my dad instinct popped into play," Graham said. "Forget state trooper, forget law enforcement officer. It was dad that took over, said 'I gotta clean this little guy up.' "
In Washington, President Obama declared a state of emergency in more than two dozens Florida counties as the potentially catastrophic storm approached.The directive authorizes the Department of Homeland Security and the...
Hurricane Matthew barreled its way through theCaribbean and roared toward Haiti, Jamaica and Cuba on Monday.Two fishermen have died in rough water churned up by the approaching storm in Haiti, the Associated Press reported...
A Dutch-led investigation team said Wednesday that the surface-to-air missile that downed a passenger jet over eastern Ukraine in 2014, killing all 298 people aboard, came from Russia and was fired from territory held by pro...
Ted Cruz endorsed Donald Trump for the presidency Friday afternoon, a stunning turn of events after a contentious primary filled with nasty personal attacks and a dramatic snub at the Republican National Convention.
Yahoo said Thursday an investigation had confirmed that information associated with at least 500 million user accounts was stolen from the company in late 2014.
The marching orders, part of the "Daily Message Guidance" from Brooklyn headquarters, instructed Clinton allies on how to answer questions about the Democratic nominee’s pneumonia and about how she dealt with the untimely...
"Wells Fargo employees secretly opened unauthorized accounts to hit sales targets and receive bonuses," Richard Cordray, director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, said in a statement.
Lester Holt, Martha Raddatz, Anderson Cooper and Chris Wallace have been selected to moderate this year’s presidential debates.
A founding member and chief spokesman for Islamic State, Abu Mohammed al Adnani, was killed on a battlefield in northern Syria.
Over five years, former president Bill Clinton earned $17.6 million from the world's largest for-profit education company, Laureate Education, Inc. In his role as "honorary chancellor," Clinton has traveled the world on...



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