The Houston Chronicle Shills For Naacp In Voter Integrity Incident

Originally posted by Brandon Darby on

Breitbart News reported that the Houston, TX NAACP had effectively taken over an election polling station, according to eye witness reports and the sworn statement of Ms. Eve Rockford, a True the Vote volunteer election monitor.

A firestorm erupted in Houston after Ms. Rockford gave sworn testimony about the legal violations occurring at a polling place. Major media outlets scrambled to defend the left-wing NAACP and go after the witness for simply reporting what she saw take place.

The Houston Chronicle stepped into the fray by quoting a local official, helping to frame the NAACP’s violations as “an effort to help disabled people.”

Even more alarming was the Houston Chronicle’s Mike Morris using a local official’s defense of the NAACP’s violations as a first person/eye witness account -- even though the quoted official appeared not to witness the event.

The official, Assistant Harris County Attorney Doug Ray, stated to the paper:

"What the NAACP people were doing was trying to identify people with disabilities and move them to the front of line so they could vote right away out of turn. Our folks were basically saying, 'We're not working it that way.' The activists became very confrontational. We had to calm them down and explain how the thing was supposed to work."

But then Morris went on to write:

"Ray said he witnessed no electioneering at the Sunnyside polling place but said if people at other sites were advocating for candidates they should have been instructed to stop."

Of course Ray didn't witness any such thing; he wasn't there. Eyewitnesses say they never saw Ray present and the polling station simply wasn't set up in a way where he could've been missed. Of course, it is possible Ray showed up on the scene after the conflict occurred. Even so, the Houston Chronicle described him as an eyewitness giving the impression he actually was there and giving an eye-witness account. This isn’t the first time the Houston Chronicle was caught using deception in its war against True the Vote and its founder, Catherine Engelbrecht. The fledgling paper has engaged in vote fraud denial previously and even went as far as falsely claiming that Catherine Engelbrecht was under a Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation. Breitbart News had obtained an email proving the Houston Chronicle and their staff writer Joe Holley had blatantly and purposefully lied about the issue. When asked why the paper and Holley had stated as fact that Engelbrecht was under a DOJ investigation and how they knew it, Holley stated that he didn’t remember where he heard it or if it were even accurate.

The Houston Chronicle and Joe Holley never retracted the assertion or even apologized. Holley simply began to write an unusual amount of blog posts in an apparent effort to bury his mistake amongst thousands of other words.


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