Mainstream Media

For those of you wondering what Ron Paul has been up to.
Yeah, I know it’s “Doonesbury.”Garry Trudeau has always been a leftist, pro-abort (he “satirized” the movie “Silent Scream” in 1985) who has no problem flaunting the power of his cartoon, Doonesbury. This week, he’s taking...
Marriott Ballroom capacity 3,152CPAC-12 was fun and exciting. It is the only time you can see and hear so many conservatives and Republicans gather for one purpose, to excite and motivate the GOP electorate. You can get as...
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TexasGOPVote blogger David Bellow was recently on KTEK NBC in Tyler, TX to discuss the recent revelations that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been monitoring blogs and other social media sites like Facebook,...
Now that the Liberal mainstream media has decided what we should think about our GOP candidates, it may be time we take a good hard look at them through their eyes.
Federal Judge Panel Changes Filing Period for All Texas 2012 Primary Races to November 28 - December 15, 2011AUSTIN - The Republican Party of Texas has issued an advisory to all Texas Republican...
I attended the Herman Cain/Newt Gingrich debate Saturday night as a TexasGOPVote Blogger. I happen to see Cain and Gingrich as the best options for a Republican nominee, even before the debate, and for different reasons....
Some familiar themes here, but I am emphasizing that the most significant thing about state nullification, about which I have written a book, is that the very discussion of it involves str
Texas Governor Rick Perry has been criticized by the leftist media and atheist groups for calling for a day of prayer to ask God’s help in solving the many problems we face in America today. This Prayer event is called The...
I have read several comments back and forth about the situation which occurred during a Texas Transportation and Homeland Security hearing on Monday June 13, in the Capitol regarding SB9, the sanctuary cities bill.I have...
‘We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools’. Martin Luther King, Jr.It is hard to get away from knowing that there was a ‘fatal incident’ in Florida. A neighborhood ‘volunteer watchman’ shot and...
So why is everyone so surprised that Media Matters declared war on conservative politicians and Fox news? Or that Media Matters is cooperating with the White House? This is a story similar to dog bites man.
An article, based on lies, by the Texas Tribune’s Emily Ramshaw was picked up by the New York Times Sunday (January 29th) edition.The lies are neatly tied up in these two sentences:"This past fall, doctors...
I read a Reuters article the other day alleging that Ron Paul supporters are drawn from people who don’t have a very good grasp of the issues. Translation: they learn about them from sources other than Newsweek and...
Government is necessary for only some essentials restraints. America’s founders designed a republic of freedom constrained only by a few very fundamental moral principles; the protection of life,...
The renaissance of the famed Lincoln Douglas debates was held Saturday in The Woodlands, Texas north of Houston. Rather than the sound-bite world of 30 and 60 second responses to “gotcha journalism” that is promoted on...
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An amazing thing happened Saturday night as two of the top candidates for the Republican nomination for president, Mr. Herman Cain and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich sat down at an event organized by Texas Patriots PAC....
Earlier I posted what I had responded to a friend in another state’s inquiry about Texas Governor Rick Perry. But I left out some important things that obviously become more relevant as scrutiny of Perry increases and...
This is the first in a series of interviews this writer will present in an effort to paint a more full and accurate picture than one can find in mainstream media, of the most dynamic, commonly misrepresented, sometimes...
Our family has been blessed with an opportunity to showcase all that is good and strong and free about our exceptional nation. - Sarah Palin comments on her Bus TourMSNBC Host, Martin Bashir, Cites Non-Existent Law To Attack...



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