Mainstream Media

You know a conservative leader is doing the right thing when the liberal media attacks him/her. Well, Texas Congressman Steve Stockman is certainly doing the right thing because he has the liberal media attacking him on a...
In recent weeks, the national media has been obsessed with highlighting divisions and disagreements among Republicans on Capitol Hill. It’s time for GOP lawmakers to remind the American people of what unites us.Republicans...
Last night's Saturday Night Live cold open did not have the Democrats' backs, which is a refreshing change from the norm. It looks like even pop culture is finding Obamacare as a humorous target for satire.
The left hates a truly free press. The recent Senate bill that “protects” reporters and “strengthens” shield laws is nothing more than the government defining who is a journalist and who is not. Translation for those low...
The new anti-Stand Your Ground video is a perfect example of Deception by Omission… which is also, by the way, what most mainstream media is guilty of doing on a daily basis in their presentation of the news.In addition, as...
All the hoopla over the Zimmerman verdict, the threat of violence, and all the other predictions that the media and the Obama administration and race-pimps ginned up, and poof…nothing. The biggest civil rights trial of the...
Hollywood has been tripping all over itself to support and further the policies of Barack Obama.As the nation remains in economic distress and is herded toward the healthcare reform it largely rejects, and as Conservatives,...
Eric Holder wants to hold a special "mend the fences" meeting with all of the mainstream news media. He wants the meetings to begin tomorrow and run through the week next week as he plans to divide the news agencies up for...
The following was written by J.D. Gordon:For a former senior lecturer in constitutional law, President Obama sure has an interesting viewpoint on the U.S. Constitution. It’s a position that likely would mystify the Founding...
Chris Matthews’ Sunday program, The Chris Matthews Show has been canceled. The final episode will run on July 21 to a viewership of…Chris Matthews’ TiVo.The idea that Chris Matthew could compete with the venerable Sunday...
I blogged a few days ago that the fundamental problem with Obamacare in its conception, not merely its implementation, and that is absolutely true. But I have to admit to some surprise at the utter ineptitude of its...
I get opportunities to smash the mainstream narrative by appearing with other fantastic conservatives from around the country. I had the privilege of participating in the black conservative panel on Hannity recently. There I...
This “Help Kickstart World War III” may be one of the most clever videos I’ve seen in some time! Who says that the Left doesn’t support Obama…no matter what!? Check out this special interest group.
A man charged with a plethora of crimes posted a Youtube video threatening to find the children of an FBI agent after previously threatening to personally destroy that Special Agent.The man has been called a “political...
Senator Ted Cruz as American as Apple Pie!Senator Ted Cruz has never hidden the fact that he was born in Canada. But only now that there are rumors that he might make a bid for the Republican nomination for the...
Although I’ve been rather quiet about the George Zimmerman case, I’ve had many opinions throughout the proceedings.I’ve generally not wanted to talk about it because, overall, it is just a local crime story that’s gotten out...
The guest speaker at our open meeting on Tuesday, July 9, 2013 will be Brandon Darby - writer for Breitbart News and founder of Citizen Patriot Response. This is one you will not want to miss! The meeting will begin at 6:...
During a recent speech I delivered in Orlando Florida, I made the statement that “Americans have been so busy living the American Dream, we are losing it.”
Last week was rather interesting. Not just because of the various breaking scandals, either.But more because the media at large covered Scandalpalooza. It was not just Fox News Channel or various (and smaller) conservative...
Mainstream media has proven since 2007 to be one more arm of the Obama publicity and punditry machine: they highlight and cheer obama’s every perceived accomplishment and black out and cover up any of the president’s...



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