Will Barney Frank be Ousted by Sean Bielat?
by TexasGOPVote on November 2, 2010 at 1:01 PM
Will longtime liberal veteran Barney Frank be saying good-bye to his 30-year gig in Washington? A seat once thought to be safe now runs the risk of being overthrown by Republican Sean Bielat.
“(Voters) see Barney Frank as representative of what’s wrong in Washington — as representative of the type of bad leadership we’ve had,” Bielat told the cheering crowd. “Here in the 4th District, we have a chance to speak on behalf of the entire nation.”
So who is Sean Bielat?
Bielat, a political newcomer, has gained massive support from national Republicans eager to pick off Frank, who would be the party’s crown jewel in the bitter fight for control of Capitol Hill. The new dad — who took a year off from his business consulting work to run against Frank — stumped with Romney just blocks from where Frank held a rally a few weeks ago with former President Clinton.
Sean Hannity discusses this race with Mitt Romney below: