
I have a french-manufactured double barreled shotgun I use for bird hunting. It's a beautiful shotgun, but I take some ribbing for it when people learn it is French-made. I usually offer my pat answer, "Yeah, made in France...
Remember the Iran-Contra affair?  This was the big "scandal" of the Reagan Administration and the Administration's low point.
As this Powerline post demonstrates, President Obama’s trip to Russia gained us nothing and made it clear that the President will make a bargaining chip out of missile defense for our allies in Eastern Europe. 
The world felt like a more dangerous place Friday morning after Iran revealed that it actually has a second nuclear enrichment facility.I think it is important to say "felt like" because the reality of the danger has not...
 We all watched the brutal suppression of peaceful protesters after the recent  "free" elections in Iran. The results of the election lead us to, at the very least, wonder "what is the Obama team thinking"?  You can't...
“So let it be written, so let it be done.”I have no idea what Pharaoh Ramses II looked like, but he will always have Yul Brenner’s voice in my head.  Pharaoh was the all-powerful God-leader of the Egyptians, the messiah on...



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