July 9th, 2015
In his 4th of July column, Steve Blow leveled hefty claims that public officials have been lying about protecting women’s health by regulating the abortion industry.
January 17th, 2014
Before I go into detail about the Town Hall meeting that took place in San Antonio concerning abortion rights, I want to stress just how important and how divisive this subject has become in America. Even to the point that...
July 27th, 2013
Ross Ramsey of the Texas Tribune only sees the political debate behind both HB2′s restrictions on abortion and Medicaid expansion.The state didn’t expand its Medicaid program, and you’ll still find legislators...
July 3rd, 2013
Is the Texas HB2 Bill (formerly SB5) about stopping the availability, access, or choice of women to have a pregnancy termination, or is it about the safety for women and their health when terminating the pregnancy?It has...
November 25th, 2014
Another hugely successful season for Republicans is behind us, which gives us plenty of reasons to unite to accomplish even more. Unfortunately, a coordinated, professional smear machine is having none of it, and another...
August 1st, 2013
Many thought the rancorous debate over abortion had quieted down as the next special session presents new opportunities for disagreement on transportation projects.Not so, says State Rep. Sarah Davis (R-Houston). Republican...
July 3rd, 2013
This is a rare Action Alert: Contact the Texas Hospital Association (phone number, 512-465-1000) about the completely false testimony of their representative, Ms. Stacy Wilson who testified against Section 2 of House Bill 2...