Ryan Sitton Brings Oil and Gas Background to Texas Railroad Commission Race

With today opening the first day of early voting, there is a hotly contested race for Texas Railroad Commissioner with the Republican candidates being Ryan Sitton, an oil and gas engineer and successful business owner; Wayne Christian, former State Representative; Malachi Boyuls, an attorney; and Becky Berger, a geologist. The Railroad Commission of Texas is the state agency that regulates the oil and gas industry, and therefore, has an effect on creating energy jobs. Ryan Sitton is a candidate with a strong foundation of industry background and experience with job creation. Sitton will take his oil and gas experience and knowledge to the Railroad Commission, which along with his technical expertise on hydraulic fracturing and pipeline integrity, will be a tremendous asset to both the Commission and to the citizens of Texas.

With a Mechanical Engineering degree from Texas A&M University, Sitton founded PinnacleAIS, an engineering and technology company of over 300 employees focused on reliability and integrity programs for the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries. With over fifteen years of experience in the oil and gas field, Sitton is considered a leading expert in his field, working with some of the worlds largest integrated operators.

Sitton said of his company in an interview with TexasGOPVote:

"We’ve been very blessed. It’s amazing when you look at how strong our energy industry is and particularly when you go overseas and you see how strong the United States technology and our capabilities and our approach to energy production just simply outshine everybody else in the world. So when it comes to the Railroad Commission and you look at the potential we have in front of us to do great things in energy, not just in our production but in our export and our economic policies, to be an elected official with a business background and a technical background all in oil and gas, I think I can make a real big impact in how we do things and really help benefit all the citizens of Texans and frankly the United States by making sure we continue to be energy leaders."

With experience in representing the oil and gas industry as an expert witness in both regulatory and civil court cases, Sitton will fight for Texans by pushing back the intrusion of the EPA and other overreaching federal bureaucracies and carry a strong message of Texas ability to regulate itself.

"Being a technical expert, I pride myself on being able to argue and advocate why what we’re doing is leading. We can simply win that battle in the court system or in the court of public opinion or inside the technical conversations where we convince people, look, what we’re doing is right. I’ve done that as a technical expert working on court cases and on behalf of our operators dealing with the EPA and FIMSA, arguing about what things we’re doing here, and why they’re technically valid. When we have good science on our background we almost always win."

With the oil and gas industry playing such a vital role in the Texas economy, it is crucial that Texas next Railroad Commissioner be someone with experience and awareness of the important issues Texas business owners face as they pursue to grow their business and lead Texas to energy independence.

Early voting starts today and goes until February 28th. Election day is March 4th. Remember to get out and vote!




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