Red Sonja’s Endorsements For Non Judicial Races (Bexar County) Run Off Election May 27, 2014
It’s hard to believe that the Run Off Election is almost here and some sort of normalcy will return to those of us who participate in the political arena. The next BIG step will be the November General Election when we can optimistically crush our opponents, the Democrats, our real enemy.
This campaign season has not been without its ‘rough’ spots, mostly Republicans fighting other Republicans which has been a nightmare for ‘ordinary’ voters. I even wrote an article, Should Republicans debase Republicans? I don’t know your answer, but if you believe that they should, then you got plenty of ‘political trash talk’ in the last few weeks since the Republican primary. The fear of losing overpowered some of our candidates. So much so, that I question if we can come together in a civil manner to beat the progressives and keep our Texas conservative.
The conflicting political battle between incumbent Lt. Gov David Dewhurst and challenger Dan Patrick has at times left their listening audience gasping. It has been a see-saw spectacle leaving one of them at the bottom trying to seize the top position. Patrick garnered most of the primary votes leaving Dewhurst to work harder to bridge the gap.
I will say that both men are Pro Life, believe in traditional marriage, and both want to secure the border and do not want in-state tuition for illegals, and they both will spend ‘zero’ for climate control. The real difference between each of them is their personality and the manner in which to achieve their desired goal. Dewhurst seems more reserved, but apparently is content to let his consultants portray him as a passive aggressive person. Patrick appears more aggressive and outspoken and seems to take command of most situations. More than likely Patrick will come out the victor and will make a campaign turn around to appeal to a broader voter base in order to beat his Democrat opponent, the very liberal Leticia Van de Putte.
Attorney General Candidate, Ken Paxton, paid a $1,000 fee for an administrative oversight and took full responsibility for his lack of disclosing information. A strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, Paxton is the only candidate endorsed by the NRA, Texas State Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America. He is also strongly supported by Right to Life and Texans for Fiscal Responsibility.
Wayne Christian candidate for RR Commissioner is a man of integrity and will do what has to be done to prevent federal government overreach in Texas. Finally Sid Miller is the right man for Agriculture Commissioner and should be considered for the job.
I wholeheartedly endorse:
KEN PAXTON for Attorney General
WAYNE CHRISTIAN for RR Commissioner
SID MILLER for Agriculture Commissioner
FRANCISO ‘QUICO’ CONSECO 23RD Congressional District
KONNI BURTON Texas Senate District 10
Please remember to go out and Vote! Early voting ends Friday and the Run Off Election is May 27.
Pray, Fight, Never Give Up!
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