East Texas Conservative Members Flynn, Hughes, Berman, and Christian Endorse Ken Paxton for Speaker
The following is a press release from State Rep. Ken Paxton:
(McKinney, TX) - State representatives Dan Flynn, Bryan Hughes, Leo Berman, and Wayne Christian today declared their intention to support conservative State Rep. Ken Paxton for Texas House Speaker.
In announcing his support, Rep. Dan Flynn said, “As Speaker, Ken Paxton will allow each of us to support the conservative agenda that we have been elected on. Ken is a solid fiscal conservative who was here in 2003, so he has important experience in addressing a budget shortfall without raising taxes. Working with him over the last 8 years, I’ve learned he’s a man of integrity who will make an excellent Speaker.”
Rep. Bryan Hughes stated, “Ken and I came into the House together as part of the Republican majority back in 2002. Ken is smart, hard-working, and completely trustworthy. He has a fair, even-handed style, and his conservative credentials are beyond question. Ken is uniquely qualified to be Speaker at this time in our history, and I fully support him."
Rep. Leo Berman said, “I promised my voters that I would advance legislation to protect ballot integrity through voter ID, secure the Texas border, and reign in illegal immigration in Texas. Ken Paxton believes in these very principles and will work tirelessly to stand up for Texas, which is why I publicly support him as Speaker of the Texas House."
Rep. Wayne Christian stated, “As President of the Texas Conservative Coalition, I have fought for a conservative agenda of lower taxes, fiscal discipline, putting Texans to work, and a growing economy. Ken Paxton gives the Texas Legislature the best opportunity to advance the platform that my constituents have elected me to support. Our current speaker was elected overwhelmingly with support of Democrats, and I believe conservatives deserve better.”
In receiving these latest endorsements, Paxton responded “I have been encouraged and inspired by members and members-elect who, despite enormous pressure to make a politically expedient decision, have demonstrated tremendous courage in standing up for the principles upon which they were elected. Today, I’m honored to have the support of Wayne, Leo, Bryan and Dan, as they join our growing team.
We are witnessing a truly transforming moment in Texas politics, as citizens across the state are demanding that debate on the race for Texas House Speaker continue. Powerful forces who have a vested interest in the re-election of the current Speaker wish for the process to be ended, conservative voices be silenced, and the status quo be maintained. Texans across the state, however, have said very clearly: ‘Let the Debate Continue.’”
State Rep. Dan Flynn was first elected in 2002 and represents District 2 including Hunt, Rains and Van Zandt counties. District 5 State Rep. Bryan Hughes was elected in 2002 and represents Wood, Camp, Upshur and Harrison counties. Rep. Leo Berman has represented portions of Smith County in the Texas House since his election in 1998. District 9 Rep. Wayne Christian, first elected to the House in 1996, represents the counties of Nacogdoches, Shelby, San Augustine, Sabine and Jasper.
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