town hall
August 19th, 2014
I want to extend a big thank you to all of you who attended my Town Hall Listening Sessions across Texas’ 19th District these past few weeks. We heard some great ideas about how to best reform social security to make sure...
June 17th, 2014
On Thursday, June 19th, Texas State Representative Jason Villalba will host two town halls in House District 114. The first will take place at the Lake Highlands YMCA and the second will take place at the Town North YMCA....
September 15th, 2009
Remember how stupid the "YouTube" Presidential debates were? That was an example of the MSM trying to act like it understands electronic media. Well, the 2009 health care reform has spotlighted YouTubes true political...
August 17th, 2014
Happy August recess, Congress! You know it's that time of year again, Congress is on a 'break' from work, that time of year when they finally have a chance to spend time with their constituents and discuss their voting...
March 12th, 2014
I am pleased to announce an upcoming town hall meeting. I hope that you can join me for a discussion about what House conservatives are doing to fight spending and rein in Washington overreach. More importantly, I look...