September 25th, 2013
Dear Senator,When I was in school, we were taught that the United States Senate was “the world’s greatest deliberative body”. Under your current majority leader, it has been run more like the Soviet Politburo, with dissent,...
March 8th, 2013
How many years has it been since a Senate session was riveting and awe-inspiring? Far too many. But Rand Paul was cheered by most in attendance when he finally yielded the floor after nearly 13 hours. It was applause for...
April 26th, 2010
Day in and day out I walk around school hearing random bits of news. In class, I often eavesdrop on conversations going on about me- ADD will do that to you. Most conversations are hardly worth listening to; most concern...
September 24th, 2013
#KeepCruzing #StandWithCruz @TedCruzTed Cruz is making the argument for why the Senate should vote on the House Continuing Resolution that funds the government and defunds Obamacare. He intends to speak, as he said, until he...
May 19th, 2010
Joe Sestak won the Democratic Primary Pennsylvania election for U.S. Senate, beating out incumbent Senator Arlen Specter, 54% to 46%.
April 25th, 2010
It is shocking to me to be writing stories about how our government is sounding more and more like Cuba and Venezuela.This administration is clearly bent on squelching all dissent and grabbing power as quickly as possible...