Statement on Proposed Tax Deal

The following came in from the Latino National Republican Coalition of Texas.

 The Latino National Republican Coalition of Texas (LNRC) applauds the work of Congressional Republicans in reaching a proposed deal with President Obama that will extend the Bush era tax cuts to all levels of income, a reduction in the payroll tax, and a cut in the estate tax.

“I am appreciative that an agreement has been reached concerning the tax cuts. I’m certain these cuts will have a positive impact on our economy and will prove to be of great help as working families and small businesses all across our country breathe a sigh of relief,” said Eric Garza, Vice Chairman.

In return for this deal, the president will receive a 13-month extension of unemployment benefits. Chairman Artemio Muniz said, “While I commend the work Republicans have undertaken I am doubtful that extending unemployment benefits, during these difficult times, will do anything to boost our economic growth or create jobs. This is just bad policy.”


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