Results for Congressional District 30 between Eddie Bernice Johnson and Stephen Broden

Results for the 30th Congressional District of Texas General Election between Democratic incumbent Eddie Bernice Johnson and Stephen Broden are:

Candidate Percentage
Eddie Bernice Johnson (Democrat)       
Stephen Broden (Republican)  22%

Precincts reporting: 100%


Round 1: "Father forgive them.  They know not what they do." 
Round 9: "It is finished."

Thus ended another battle between right and wrong.  The temporary loss of one battle however, started a movement that continues today.
This battle is not the end of the war.  And... It's not just Broden's battle either.  We must overcome ignorance, complaisance and greed, one day.  We must vote our character and our conscience, one day.  We must choose integrity over expediency, one day.  But, We will pay for our choices today, one day.
Be encouraged and confident, Broden.  You Will Overcome; One Day!

While the elections are long over, it still saddens me that the people of Dallas would rather continue in an atmosphere of lies and corruption under Johnson than have a man of integrity like Pastor Broden. Makes me glad I don't live anywhere near Dallas.

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