Visit with Congressman Randy Neugebauer in Your Hometown
I have a lot of events planned for the next few weeks in West Texas and the Big Country. On Wednesday, August 7th, I’ll be in Olney to celebrate the delivery of the 3,000th Air Tractor aircraft. Air Tractor has been building agricultural aircraft in Olney for more than 50 years. Later on that day, I’ll be in Throckmorton to meet with their Chamber of Commerce and local businesses.
On Thursday, August 8th, I’ll head east to Graham for the first in a series of Town Hall Listening Sessions. I hope you come to these listening sessions prepared to talk. I’m going to do things a little differently this year: if you have a question, I’m going to ask you to write it down on a card. I’ll pick cards at random to answer during the event, and if I can’t get to your question in person, I’ll answer it in a letter. That way, everyone has a chance to get your questions answered and make your opinions heard. The listening session starts at 8:30 am at the Graham American Legion Building. After we finish there, I’ll meet with the Chamber of Commerce in Breckenridge and then visit the Albany Lions Club. That afternoon, I’ll speak with business owners, employees and local officials from Anson, Hamlin, and Stamford. I’ll end the day with a visit to Big Country Electric in Roby.
The following week, I’ll be holding listening sessions in Abilene and Snyder on Monday, August 12th, and Plainview on Tuesday, August 13th. If you have any questions about the Town Hall Listening Sessions, you can get more information on the Events page of my website, or by calling toll free at 888-763-1611.
Comment to Park Ranger at WWII Memorial
Mr. Neugebauer,
I just watched you verbally attack a Park Ranger at the DC WWII Memorial. I am a Republican and you just embarrassed our party. The Park Ranger was just doing his/her job. I'm glad I don't live in Texas because I would not vote for you. You owe that Park Ranger a "BIG" apology.
Your outrageous behavior to the ranger at the WWII Memorial