Midland Businessman and Republican Activist Nelson Spear Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Midland County Party
Today, Midland businessman Nelson Spear announces his candidacy for Chairman of the Midland County Republican Party. The Republican primary will be held across Texas on March 4, 2014.
In introducing himself, Spear stated, “I’m a businessman, former prosecutor, entrepreneur, church goer, father, husband, writer, and Republican activist here in Midland, Texas.” Spear continued, “As I have traveled our county and region in recent months, I have talked to many concerned Republicans. Many have asked why I would want to serve as Chairman, and the answer is simple: I just love serving, and I feel that I can make a bigger difference in the Republican Party by being chairman of the local county party.”
“Democrats have already shown that they will pull no punches when it comes to inflicting their values and their style of democracy on Texas. Obama Democrats have already set up shop in Texas for the 2014 election and beyond that with their Battleground Texas plans,” said Spear.
Spear added, “Now is the time to draw a line in the sand against these values and this style of democracy. Now is the time to decide what the future of Texas will look like. We do not want outside forces telling us what our values and our democracy will be. We got to build on the majorities that we already have here in Texas.”
In laying out his vision for the Midland County Republican Party, Spear said, “Building the Republican Party starts locally. And we need to keep our focus on the strong local coalitions. A strong local coalition can help state wide candidates. As Chairman, we need to raise money for the local party, and I am dedicated to doing just that. As Chairman, I will communicate the conservative message both here and across the state.”
Nelson Spear concluded by addressing the Republican voters of Midland, “I’m announcing my candidacy for Chairman of the Midland County Republican Party. I would appreciate your support, and I would appreciate your vote. But, more importantly, I’d ask that you be a part of the solution with me. I’d ask that you get involved and stay involved.”
More can be learned about Nelson Spear at his campaign website, www.NelsonSpear.com.
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