Occupier Discusses Danger of Occupy Protests Including Incidents of Rapes and Assaults
TexasGOPVote was on the scene reporting from the Occupy protests back when they were (as-advertised) peaceful protests.
(VIDEO, PHOTOS) Occupy Wall Street Protests in New York City Columbus Day
(VIDEO, PHOTOS) Occupy Wall Street Protests in Washington, DC
However, the protests have turned violent and dangerous. In a BigGovernment.com article entitled, Rape, Gropes, and Assaults, Oh My: Mayor Bloomberg, Shut Down Zuccotti Park!, an Occupier who has been protesting since the beginning of the movement began explains just how dangerous it has become.
We’re trying to figure out what to do about [the drugs]…It’s putting all these people in danger–that, there’s sexual assault going on, we’re trying to deal with that…mostly drunk guys, going, groping girls, there was a guy that got raped, too, here–a deaf younger man…
Watch the video below to hear more from this witness:
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