Napolitano may need to exempt some muslims from body scans; defends their use for everyone else
See latest posts on TSA security.
Facing mounting criticism and pushback from fliers over increasingly invasive procedures to ostensibly protect U.S. travelers, Janet Napolitano is defending the use of body scans or body pat downs for all travelers - except possibly for some Muslims. The use of body scans or body pat downs applies to passengers and pilots alike, but perhaps not for Muslim women, who would be exempted from the full procedure and require only a limited pat down in the head and neck area, or optionally a self pat-down in the head and neck area.
If non-Muslim women would want to avoid the intrusive scanning and pat-down procedures, could they simply declare themselves Muslim?
If that were the case, here's an idea that the TSA might like: increase the scanning intensity or add cavity searches for non-Muslim-women; maybe that would help make up for the plastic explosives or other dangerous items hiding beneath Muslim women's burqas. However by no means should TSA use intelligence, as Israel does, to keep travelers safe. That might offend someone. Compare TSA with Israeli security methods.
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body scans and pat downs
Really? Muslims are the
How disingenuous of you
"The rules that govern what
And there's any doubt that CAIR is linked to terrorism and funds terrorists? Yet they operate freely and fund terrorism freely with impunity because we wouldn't want to offend any muslims. After all, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the USA. I should start an online burqa shop.
Exempting Muslim Women?
Do We Need Any More Reason Than This?.....
What will it take for us ALL to wake up and take our Country back from these communist infiltrators? Can't you see that this is an orchestrated plan being carried-out by the government, for the government and against the American Citizenry?
There is only one law in the US and it isn't Sharia
I am really tired of the double standard BS that we have to go through to make us think we are feeling safe. Hell maybe the ATS aught to do this kind of inspection at the U.S. border stations and we would have a hell of lot less illegals coming across. One thing for sure if they illegal was a Muslim then they would turn around a go back where the hell they came from.
If you don't like the laws in the US and you want to live with Sharia law then get the hell out, I have really had it with all of this BS. Homeland Security Napolitano needs a real good swift kick for even agreeing with CAIR.
Never follow anything Israel does
9/11 and Israel, here:
While I hate to interrupt a perfectly happy Muslim-bashing session, you are basing your conclusions on a gross misinterpretation of a religious group's interpretation of TSA policy. What CAIR's statement says is, if, as a woman, you are selected for enhanced scereening solely because you are wearing a scarf (and not for any other reason), then only the areas covered by the scarf should be patted down (i.e., the "area in question").