Letter written to the Texas State House of Representatives
The following information was submitted by a TexasGOPVote reader:
As you may know, a lot of comments have been going back and forth during the last few days about a letter written to the Texas State House of Representatives. Some of the people who signed the letter have been "expanding" their thoughts on their own websites or facebook pages. But the letter published via Empower Texans is a POSITIVE action call, not an endorsement of anyone. Off-line discussions, opinions and unkind remarks about anyone in particular are not part of the letter and do not reflect the views of all the signers of the letter. Here is the ORIGINAL LETTER as it was written several days ago, and it has been updated with signatures of more than 1,700 people.
Empower Texans says: “Conservative movement, tea party and Republican leaders, along with more than 1,700 Texans, have signed a letter regarding the speakership of the Texas House. They note, election day "was a clarion call for conservative leadership in the Texas House" and a "change to a more conservative Speaker is in order." [Updated 11/10/2010] There are more than 125 signers to this letter representing conservative movement, tea party and Republican organizations.”
You can also add your signature to the letter here: www.conservativespeakermandate.com
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