Two US Border Patrol Agents Shot at Brian Terry Station - 1 Killed, 1 Injured
Fox News is reporting that two US Border Patrol Agents were shot this morning at the recently named Brian Terry Station near Naco, AZ. One of the agents was killed. The second was airlifted to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries to the ankle and buttocks.
The shooting occurred about 2 am while three USBP agents were on patrol. The third agent was not injured. The shooting location was not very far from the location of Brian Terry's murder.
Details about the shooting are still coming in. Watch for updates on this breaking story.
No names have been released at this time. The search for the killer is being conducted by the Cochise County Sheriff and the FBI.
The Brian Terry Station was just renamed after the slain agent two weeks ago. Brian Terry is the agent who was killed in December, 2010 by a gang of Mexican drug smugglers. Two of the weapons used in that shooting were later tied to Operation Fast and Furious where the Obama administration was allowing guns to be purchased at US gun stores and then smuggled into Mexico. At this time, it is not known about the details of guns used in this latest shooting.
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