Are Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Really Playing the GOP for a Bunch of Suckers? SPIES IN THE CAMP - Part I

When you need advice, you talk someone you trust because you know that person's view of the world is one you share. You know that person does not have a hidden agenda that may be contrary to your own. If that person stands in opposition to you in those respects, would it change your mind about following their advice? It probably should. The GOP is in the same position on immigration. We are a party split between a majority that wants to resolve a broken immigration system and establish a sensible approach and a vocal minority that labels any approach that falls short of deporting all illegal immigrants as "AMNESTY." This vocal minority is extremely well-funded and effective at convincing GOP politicians that they should avoid any attempt at solving the immigration problem. The GOP is getting bad advice from people who have interests completely contrary to the core principles of the GOP.

I call them the "Spies in the Camp," and they are FAIR US, NumbersUSA, and the Center for Immigration Studies. No group of organizations has been more effective at splitting the GOP on immigration. Their influence ranges across the media spectrum penetrating Congressional and state staff, cable news, conservative print media, and talk radio.

The following report demonstrates that the key players behind this vocal minority have views contrary to the GOP's principles. This is no smear. It is a scholarly effort to shine the light of day on the true motives of the people working the hardest to prevent meaningful immigration reform. It is not that they hate illegal immigration. In fact, they hate all immigration, legal or otherwise. Why? Because their first principles put the environment above everything thing else, including economic opportunity, liberty, and even life itself. These are not principles of the GOP. While it is true that politics makes strange bedfellows, let us not blindly accept bad advice from people who care nothing for our future prosperity and electoral success.

I have prepared a five part documented report and plan to release one part each day starting with part one today. Please read all five reports and make up your own mind about how much credibility we should give the advice from groups like FAIR US, NumbersUSA, and the Center for Immigration Studies. My answer is, “About as much weight as we should give the advice of PLANNED PARENTHOOD and the SIERRA CLUB, because their members are one and the same.” I hope you agree and take action today.

Let the GOP make up its own mind without the influence of these outside groups. Thank you for taking the time to read this important report.

May God save America!

Norman E. Adams, CIC
Co-Founder Texans for Sensible Immigration Policy

Are Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Really Playing the GOP for a Bunch of Suckers?

It depends on who you ask. It is now well documented that FAIR, NumbersUSA, and CIS all have ties to Zero Population Growth, abortion promoting, environmental fundamentalists who believe that mankind is the biggest threat to the environment today. But there are still people, our friends and fellow Republicans that stick their heads in the sand and ignore the history and rabid dogmatism of these groups.

Why? Is it because no one likes to think that someone that they once supported could be capable of such conniving chicanery as to promote a hidden agenda while pretending to be our friends? Is it because we really identify with their positions on immigration such that we’re willing to overlook the radical agendas of these groups and their leaders? These questions can only be answered by us, individually; by looking into our own hearts and thinking clearly and calmly about this emotionally charged topic. Over the next few days you will receive the following information about the groups I mentioned above:

  • PART II: FAIR, its founder John Tanton, and his and the FAIR Board of Director’s ties to pro-choice and environmental groups such as Planned Parenthood, Californians for Population Stabilization, and the Sierra Club.
  •  PART III: NumbersUSA, its founder Roy Beck, his views on the environment, and population control as a means of preserving the environment.
  • PART IV: Center for Immigration Studies, its liberal and pro-choice Board of Directors and its ties to Tanton and FAIR, and the appallingly underhanded motivation for forming the group.
  • PART V: Show Me the Money! The source of funding for these groups and the motivation behind it.

There is little doubt that the current immigration system is a mess, and it is emblematic of the state of our federal government with President Obama and his cronies in charge. Behind our nation’s debt and current fiscal policies, our immigration problem represents one of the biggest threats facing our nation today. We all agree that the current system is broken. We all agree that we want to preserve the American way of life. We all agree that a secure border should come first and foremost.

Why, then, have we done nothing? Why have we talked about how bad the immigration system is without doing anything to fix it? Is it because of fear? Racism? Xenophobia? We wish it were one of those reasons. Those reasons would make sense. But that is not the GOP that we know and love. The GOP we believe in is courageous. The GOP we believe in loves their fellow man. The real reason, simply put, is the brilliance, money, and deceptive nature of groups such as FAIR, NumbersUSA, and CIS and the influence that they have exerted on our Republican brothers and sisters in Congress.

The leaders of these groups will tell you that the information that you will receive is part of a “smear-job,” that we are adopting the position of the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center or some other left-leaning organization. Wrong. These are facts. Verifiable, documented facts from dozens of independent Groups like FAIR, NumbersUSA, and CIS aren’t opposed to immigration reform; they are opposed to human beings living on this planet! These groups want to kill any proposed immigration legislation. These groups want to reduce the number of people on the planet for the sake of the environment, and if they can’t achieve that goal, they want to at least reduce the number of people living in the United States. These groups will stop at nothing in their efforts to reduce the human population including opposing all forms of immigration, promoting sterilization of human beings, and promoting the abortion of the defenseless unborn.

The facts presented to you about the founders of these organizations, the members of the Boards of Directors, and national advisers, as well as some of the conservatives that these groups have been fooling, will prove that these groups cannot be trusted by conservative, pro-life, pro-business conservatives. If you read these facts and still determine that you want to have these groups inform your position on immigration, that’s fine. Politics does make strange bed-fellows after all. But if you are a pro-life and pro-business conservative, then we encourage you to make up your own mind! Let’s solve this immigration mess, but let’s do it on our own terms! With our true friends; friends who share our values!

Related Content:

Are Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Really Playing the GOP for a Bunch of Suckers? SPIES IN THE CAMP - Part II – FAIR

Are Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Really Playing the GOP for a Bunch of Suckers? SPIES IN THE CAMP - Part III – NumbersUSA

Are Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Really Playing the GOP for a Bunch of Suckers? SPIES IN THE CAMP - Part IV – CIS

Are Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Really Playing the GOP for a Bunch of Suckers? SPIES IN THE CAMP - Part V – Show Me the Money!


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