Who should be Texas' Pick?
Republican Party of Texas - When you look at the field of candidates and potential candidates for the Republican presidential nomination – what do you think?
Who do you think the GOP's best candidate is to defeat Hillary Clinton – or whichever other dyed-in-the-wool big government liberal the Democrats choose – and win the White House?
Who's the best individual among this truly diverse group of Americans to bring the Barack Obama Era of runaway government to an end – and begin the tough work of restoring American prosperity and freedoms?
Who is your pick for 2016? Is it one of the strong group of GOP governors, like Texan Rick Perry or business leaders like Carly Fiorina? Texas Senator Ted Cruz? Governors Jeb Bush or Scott Walker? Neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson? How about Senator Marco Rubio or Senator Rand Paul?
We want to know who you think our Party's voters will ultimately choose, because the Republican Party of Texas will be working hand-in-hand with the GOP nominee to take back the White House.