Sweep the Senate
This 8-minute video is the best explanation you will find for ousting the Democrats in 2014 and is a video that even Democrats who love America should see.
Unless the Republicans win a majority in the Senate, and keep a majority in the House, Harry Reid and Obama will have no restraints on further destroying America, the last bastion of freedom in the world today.
Federal regulations over every aspect of our lives-- religion, free speech, right to keep and bear arms, economic freedom, open borders, amnesty for illegals, reduction in our military preparedness, war-making without congressional approval, invasion of privacy, appointment of leftists to the judiciary and heads of the federal bureaucracy, unconstitutional treaties with the UN, and the social issues that affect Faith, Family and Freedom will be in the crosshairs of the administration.
If you have not supported financially any of these conservative candidates, time is short, but do it now. George Soros, Bill Gates and other wealthy donors, who made their fortunes under our Free Enterprise system, are pouring millions into the campaigns of the liberals. Last minute TV ads are badly needed to counter these attacks.
Watch this powerful video, act and pray that God will save America. and pass it on.
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