So Who Does Congressman Culberson Represent: Constituents or Colleagues?
"Working in Congress is like standing under Niagara Falls"-John Culberson (R) Texas said repeatedly during a town hall meeting on September 22, 2014
Really? Sounds like a problem to me. The button on the pants of the federal government has officially shot off into the atmosphere as the bloat and the sheer girth of government has increased to sizes previously unknown. Houston, we have a problem.
Thankfully we have John Culberson fearlessly representing the good folks of Congressional District 7! Um, scratch that. Thankfully we have John Culberson representing the good folks of Congressional District 7! Nope, wouldn't even go that far. I think we can boil it down to 'we have John Culberson representing the good folks of Congressional District 7'.
I am not new to blogging about my Congressional Representative, Congressman Culberson. I have written about him numerous times regarding his voting record, his lack of town hall meetings and about some follow up conversations that we've had about those posts. Yet here we are once again talking about a town hall that he held here in Houston, this past Monday night. Except this time, I made it interesting and I hijacked the town hall meeting.
The most recent blog I posted that I titled Is John Culberson a Jeffersonian Republican...Or Not? was about his voting record and his low scores with some of the top freedom groups, groups like Heritage Action, Eagle Forum and Freedomworks. His score was the lowest with Freedomworks, a 53% rating, which is technically an 'F'. So in order to make a point, I made copies of his Freedomworks score card and handed them out to the people who were attending the town hall. Heck, I even handed one to the Congressman himself. Yeah, I don't think he saw that coming. Neither did his staff, because when the Congressman showed up, one of his staffers stuck her head out the door and said to him, "We need to talk!".
I could go on and on about the different questions that were lobbed in the direction of the Congressman that evening, but I won't. I'll spare you and get straight to the point. I was able to ask him a question about his self-proclaimed Jeffersonian-Republican affiliation and how he reconciles that ideology with all of the votes he's cast to increase or maintain spending on a wide range of programs. He immediately reached inside his jacket for the Freedomworks Score Card I'd handed him and proceeded to go down the list to explain why he voted for each one. After hearing his responses, I am personally not satisfied with the idea that there isn't anyone else out there to better represent the voters of CD-7, and here's why. Each of the reasons he gave for a vote he'd cast were boiled down to the fact that he'd listened to another Congressman or colleague that he trusted.
Okay, I guess we all might run our options by another person for their opinion, but ultimately the choice we make is our responsibility. Same with a vote that's cast; shouldn't the Congressman or Congresswoman be required to stand on his or her own to answer for the consequences? I mean, have they forgotten the magnitude of their actions and the fact that they are spending our children's and grand children's money? I think accountability is key to the relationship between a congresscritter and his or her constituents and I for one will not let up until I am heard.
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