Republicans Must Unite

I wanted to update you on what is going on here in Washington regarding the Speaker of the House election.

Unfortunately, Jim Jordan, who I supported, was unable to reach the necessary votes on the House Floor to become Speaker of the House. He has withdrawn his bid for Speaker and other candidates will now come forward. This process is messy, and the time it has taken is frustrating.

I’m working to regain focus on the agenda that the American people elected Republicans to accomplish. Our Commitment to America is not about a Speaker, it is about the American People. We must restore a strong economy, a safe nation, an accountable government, and a future built on freedom.

The very first priority is border security, and that is exactly where my focus lies. I'm also leading to make sure that we counter Iran, support Israel, and achieve energy dominance. It’s incredibly important that we give whoever is the next Speaker the tools they need to go up against the White House and stand firm for our conservative values.

We’re going through a tough time, but we will get through this and come out stronger on the other side.

It is an honor to represent you in Congress. I appreciate your prayers and am working to unify our party and elect a Speaker of the House who cares about Texas-11 and stands up for our values.

In these trying times, I am reminded of the profound wisdom of President Abraham Lincoln, who delivered the Gettysburg Address during our nation’s most divided time. President Lincoln spoke of a nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal and affirmed that we must dedicate ourselves to reconciling the nation in honor of those who have died in service to this country. 

Today we find ourselves in a moment of great challenge and dissent surrounding the election for Speaker of the House of Representatives. It is important for us to remember that we are all part of something much greater than our individual differences. We are part of a nation that has weathered storms, overcome trials, and emerged stronger each time. We must not forget that we are bound together by the shared belief in the promise of America.

God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.


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