President Trumps Signs Sweeping Tax Reform into Law
Yesterday, as the top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady, I released the followed statement after President Donald J. Trump signed H.R. 3151, the Taxpayer First Act:
I’m proud that after three years of thoughtful bipartisan work, our bold package of reforms to the Internal Revenue Service are the law of the land. Thank you to President Trump for signing this historic legislation, which is the biggest and boldest step in over 20 years to redesign and restructure the IRS into an agency with a singular mission – quality taxpayer service.
This bipartisan law requires the IRS to submit to Congress in 2020 a plan to redesign the agency so that it serves taxpayers first. For the first time, it puts into law a truly independent appeals process so our taxpayers claims are heard fairly. It also levels the playing field to ensure taxpayers have the same information as the agency, better protects our taxpayers information, and reins in past IRS abuses to guarantee families and local businesses never have to fear having their accounts and property seized without fair and due process.
This effort was designed to be bipartisan from the very beginning. Representatives John Lewis and Mike Kelly were instrumental in getting these reforms across the finish line – as well as former Oversight Subcommittee chairmen Peter Roskam, Vern Buchanan, and Lynn Jenkins. I applaud their leadership, and I look forward to continuing to work with Chairman Neal and the rest of our Committee as these reforms are being implemented to ensure that the IRS truly becomes an agency that puts taxpayers first.