President Obama’s Big Government Budget
"We do not need to fuel Washington’s spending problem."
On Monday, President Obama released his budget blueprint for a big government that fails to address our spending-driven debt crisis. The President’s budget never balances and will continue to encourage more government spending at a time when our national debt is at $18 trillion and skyrocketing. What does that mean for individuals and families across Texas? Right now, each American citizen owes roughly $56,500 to pay down our national debt. We cannot let our mountain of debt get in the way of the American Dream. We need fiscal responsibility and a balanced budget that tackles our spending-driven debt crisis and creates greater prosperity for all.
In addition to the President’s desire to spend more, he also calls for higher taxes on businesses and investment. This is entirely the wrong approach. We should instead be focused on pro-growth policies that lead to more jobs and increased take-home pay for all. I believe you should keep more of your hard-earned dollars. We do not need to fuel Washington’s spending problem. I look forward to working with my colleagues to move forward a conservative budget that makes it a priority to tackle our national debt, jumpstart economic growth, and generate higher wage jobs for every American.